Someone should forward this to PETA!


Hunters' efforts helped save rare bird from extinction! -- No help from "animal rights" morons

It's a CNN article about how hunters' conservation efforts are being lauded as responsible for saving the ivory billed woodpecker from extinction, because the land they were found inhabiting was conserved by/for hunters.

Now, I don't hunt, but nor am I a moron animal rights activist, so I am fully capable of understanding that without someone (like hunters) to care enough to spend money to save wild lands, this stuff will disappear. No one can count on animal rights jerks to do anything but shoot off their mouths about all the wrong issues.

Hunters, enjoy! Good on you!

The headline of course said nothing about morons by the way.

At any rate, it amazes me that the press even had a story like this

azurefly, I recently got an advertising package from PETA. Their rehash of the same old lies and half truths make it perfectly clear they are interested in one thing, making enough money to keep their full time staffers comfortable.

PETA would only figure out a way to twist the story to suit their purposes. For instance, the bird wouldn't have been endangered in the first place if it wasn't for humans, and the bird was probably saved so that hunters could eat them! :)