FUD is the handle of a TFL regular who has more "events" in his life in a year than most of us will in a lifetime. I think he's related to Joe Bfstplk.
FUD is also an acronym for "Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt", a favored selling technique.
FUD is a poster here who tends to have an exciting life. Do a search for posts by FUD and you will see what I mean. FUD is a pretty good guy who notices a lot and likes to relate them here.
FUD is an "Elmerism" that follows you around like a Black Cloud! Your entire life becomes a series of defensive life situations. All because you have the misfortune to move from New Jersy to Florida! FUD's our Bud! Here at TFL just do a search on his writing and you will quickly see where we're all coming from. It's sort of like Mr. MaGoo meets Godzilla on steroids! I keep telling him he's gotta get right with God (or move to Montana)!