Someone is breaking in...maybe its SWAT

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New member
I found this video of a real SWAT team in action clearing a room:

I watched the video a few times and not once did I hear the police officers identify themselves. I was amazed at the brutality on this seemingly unarmed man where the bald officer stomps on him despite the young male being obviously cooperative. Even after they figure out this man was innocent they continue to swear at him. They broke into his office and none of this is his fault yet they continue treating him badly as if he caused it.

I looked up on the internet and found multiple incidents where SWAT teams actually shot people by mistake during the home invasion. The CATO institute has an interesting map noting hundreds of instances. Not once was any guilt ever admitted in these instances by the police departments. However, when the homeowner was able to kill one of the officers, thinking this was a real home invasion, the homeowner was tried and found guilty of murder.
One man is now serving 10 years in Virginia because he was able to kill one of the SWAT officers despite it being an obvious misunderstanding.

This video has made me think and re-evaluate what I would do if I heard someone breaking in. If the man in the video put up any resistance he would have been killed. In fact, I think he should have layed down on the floor with his hands shielding his face the moment he realized he was being "swatted" just in case they decided to throw in some grenades. Even standing or sitting seemed like a risky manuever with these officers who seemed out of control. Laying completely flat sems like the least risky manuever. Even then the officers might rough you up like they did to this man in the video.

If someone was breaking in my first reaction would be to lock the door and barricade. Get behind cover within the room. Im not quite sure if I would pull out my pistol. Should I try to get a positive id on who is breaking in before I deploy the pistol? Would there be that much time? I would try to look out the window and call the police. Of course, if I knew it was the police I would waste no time and lay flat on the floor as they invade my work or residence. Should I do anything else I would risk getting shot.
If I answer a knock at the door at unusual hours like late at night My firearm is plainly vissible at low ready . If it were a break in I would take grab cover and train my firearm on the the intruder until I could make out a weapon and intention . Its like getting pulled over on a remote road after dark it could be the cops ? . In all likelyhood folks are not going to be faced with this . The hard knock tactic has got to be used only when the facts are known its going to take brave action by a officer to aproach a door and ask whats going on when enough is not known to send in a entry team .
it helps to be on good terms with local law enforcement..... attend city counsel meetings, charity events, meet and greets.... that helps eliminate the wrong house thing or gives some reason to pause by saying "Joe?!, are you sure you bought dope from Joe?!" "that's doesn't sound like Joe".... of course this all requires community involvement with their locally elected officials and public safety personnel, something so many refuse to do...
If someone is breaking into your home and you have barricaded yourself in a room, that is not the time to second guess whether you should shoot or not.
No reliable information on the event and no real relationship between the video and the discussion.

And nothing really to discuss in T&T.
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