Some video

Thanks for sharing the videos. You may have saved me some money. Was considering the handgun sports. But at my age, I just don't have the speed, reaction time or ability to focus on the target and sights "older eyes." What kind of auto were you using?
Dear 9mm1033,

Age is not an excuse. You just go slower than the young hotshots.
I kind of peaked out about 3 years ago in IDPA. That was the last time I won a first in class. My eyes and reflexes aren't what they used to be. But I still have a good time.
Okay I'm curious...

I don't know the first thing about competition shooting. What is the guy behind the shooter (an official?) holding and what is it's purpose? To count the rounds fired or something?
Yup, it is a shot timer.
When he says "Are you ready; stand by; BEEP!" it starts the timer.
The timer has a microphone pickup for the muzzle blast and records the time from the start signal to each shot. Your score is based on the total time from the start signal til your last shot. Placement of hits on the target are calculated in to arrive at a final score.

I am using a Beretta 92G Elite 2.

FWIW, without contact lenses, I am legally blind. I have some of the worst eyes I have ever seen or heard about. My reaction time and foot speed is about average.

The greatest action handgun shooter in the world is a 45 year old guy who carries around a little bit of extra weight and has crappy knees.

You should really head out to a local match and see what is happening on your local scene. I bet you would have a great time.
