Some Random Thoughts


New member
If one depresses a trigger, should one give it some Prozac, or just sweet-talk it 'till it feels better?

Why do triggers "break like a glass rod?" I would think that one doesn't want a trigger that breaks, but rather, a trigger that works properly w/o malfunctions.

If one is calling shots, what does one call them? Gloomps? Blamphs? Blizzlesnurfers?

Expriring minds want to know.....

Goofy regards, Richard
If one is going to "shoot the moon", what caliber and load should one use?

When you "shotgun" a fatty should you use a 20 gauge or a 12?

If a burgler has rifled your drawers will there be bullet holes in them?

I won't be so cryptic.
If Glocks are "perfect" why do they KB ? ;)
The Colt emblem doesn't have any "dangling" bits !- Could it be a Gelding ? :D
Does a semi-auto only work part of the time ?
Where did the phrase "shootin' the breeze" come from ?
"Going the full 9 yards" comes from WWII where the ammo belts were in 9 yard lengths & when the trigger was depressed until the gun ran dry - Thus the saying ! :)
"Cow Poke" - I don't know if I want an answer to this ;)
Last but not least, why are 99.9% of Polititicians full of S***? :(

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Y'know, sometimes these things just pop into my head, and when they find out how empty it is in there, they just scream to get out 'cause they're afraid they might die of neglect....

....and then my lovely and astutely accurate wife (who grew up in South Dakota) points out that "trigger happy" (and they didn't mean the horse) became a regional slogan of the Olde West for reasons which definitely did not include depression and/or drugs (although alcohol might have played a role), so I hereby withdraw my first question.

Do y' suppose that when Roy & Dale sang "Happy Trails", they were tripping? ;) Pass the mezcal, Dale, and have a 'nuther peyote button.

A scene recently (this weekend) ALMOST played out:
Cop: OK, what're you 2 guys doing standing in the middle of the highway by a running Suburban w/lights out, armed with multiple handguns, knives, and a suppressor/NVD equipped flat-topped H-BAR AR-15 at 2:00AM?
Us: Woudja huntin'? No? How 'bout...writing a T&E article for a 'zine? No? Jeez, guess we'd better call a weasel... ...uh, lawyer. Sorry about that, chief.

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center

[This message has been edited by 45King (edited July 12, 1999).]
> Where did the phrase "shootin' the breeze" come from ?

Your friend after you unload a 30 round magizine from 50 yards at a man sized target and there is not a hole in the paper. ;)

RAJ - I'm giving SERIOUS thought to getting a Local Lawyer on retainer for future T/Es. :D

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

Growing up in Eastern New Mexico, I had the same experience. (But NOT with such nice toys :) )

Sherrif deputy pulls us over and asks simular questions. "Rabbit Whackin ,Deputy" Turned flashlight to the bed of the truck to display the remains. That's an awful lot of rabbits back there boys... Yes Sir... but you see sir... I got these twenty hounds at home... and it costs me an arm and a leg to feed them... So we was just gettin them some natural protein and was thinin out the jack rabbit over population problem as well.

Can't believe what we got away with in a small town..... :)

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
Oh, having grown up in a small town here in SC, I can indeed believe what you can get away least then. At age 7, I was given my first shotgun, a .410 H&R Topper that folded completely in half. Had a very nice inletting job on the forend for the trigger guard. Good little gun, it had also been my Dad's first gun. I was so proud of it, my dad allowed me to carry it around town for a day, in the company of our yard man (no ammo, of course.) A couple of my Mom's friends commented on how cute it was, the little man, etc...can't imagine that happening today, sad to say. Hysteria....
At any rate, I could tell you some stories...and it didn't hurt anything that both my Grandfathers were powerful state pols. Grandpa on Mom's side was president pro tempore of the SC Senate. It's amazing what one can do in a Lincoln Continental that has LEGISLATURE 1 on the plates (for example, 120mph past highway patrolmen who just stare-SC had a law at that time that any car with legislator plates headed in the direction of the capital could not be stopped unless involved in an accident involving injury.) And some of the things my sister did....whew, I was tame compared to her.<G> Fortunately, we both survived relatively intact (more or less; sometimes less, I think.)

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center
Oh, having grown up in a small town here in SC, I can indeed believe what you can get away least then. At age 7, I was given my first shotgun, a .410 H&R Topper that folded completely in half. Had a very nice inletting job on the forend for the trigger guard. Good little gun, it had also been my Dad's first gun. I was so proud of it, my dad allowed me to carry it around town for a day, in the company of our yard man (no ammo, of course.) A couple of my Mom's friends commented on how cute it was, the little man, etc...can't imagine that happening today, sad to say. Hysteria....
At any rate, I could tell you some stories...and it didn't hurt anything that both my Grandfathers were powerful state pols. Grandpa on Mom's side was president pro tempore of the SC Senate. It's amazing what one can do in a Lincoln Continental that has LEGISLATURE 1 on the plates (for example, 120mph past highway patrolmen who just stare-SC had a law at that time that any car with legislator plates headed in the direction of the capital could not be stopped unless involved in an accident involving injury.) And some of the things my sister did....whew, I was tame compared to her.<G> Fortunately, we both survived relatively intact (more or less; sometimes less, I think.)

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center