Some questions


New member
Ok so i was just wondering what all it takes to be able to legally own a fully automatic weapon. I would love to be able to just shoot one let alone own one. Also what does it take to convert guns such as glocks and mac-11 to full auto legally. I mean i found a site that sells the conversion instructions, but i am going to wait and hopefully get the permit before i ever, ever do anything like that to my guns. Has anyone here used a conversion manual to make a gun full auto? I just relized how cheap that would be compared to buying a full auto mac-11 when i already own one that i can convert myself. But as i stated above i am going about it in the most legal way i can seeing as though i fear prison and big men who wanna make me thier wife.:barf:
Theres a reason people pay big bucks for full autos - because since 5-19-1986 its been illegal to make a machinegun or convert a semi for civilian use or possession. If you could just make your own, do you think anyone in their right mind would pay $10,000 for a converted AR15 when they could just buy and convert it themselves for less than $1000? Absent a manufacturer's license or a specific exemption by the Attorney General, you cannot legally make your own. That includes making or possession of conversion devices like attachments for the glock, etc.

If you want a legal full auto, you have to buy one that was made and registered with the NFA Branch at BATFE prior to the 5-19-86 cutoff date. Every transfer of these guns is tracked and must be approved by BATFE first, and the chain of ownership must not be broken (somewhat like transfers of real estate).

I started a FAQ on buying "transferable" machineguns and other NFA weapons. Give it a read through and see if it helps answer some of your questions...
Ok, thank you for your reply very informitive. The only reason i asked about the glock conversion is because i know a glock can stand up to alot of stress. So firing a normal glock at full auto rates may decrease its lifetime in the long run but not as fast as some others. Also i have seen on the news and articles on the net about gang bangers converting there glocks and just slipping a 36 round clip in it. Very scary thought if that banger knows how to use that type of weapon.