Some predator control!


New member
Hey guys life as had my tied up lately but with the temps dropping and deer season coming to an end my predator pursuit will increase!
I got out this week end and took out a few!

On Friday I called in 4 but was only able to get one of them!
I know not that great of a percentage!:o
But I guess it is better then 0 of 4! Or 0 for 0!
The one I dropped was a male and he weighed in at 36lbs 15ozs


Then on Staurday afternoon I called in these two and managed to drop them both!
They were both males and one weighed in at 35lbs 14ozs and the other tipped the scales at 37lbs 7ozs!


It was a good weekend and I hope it continues!

Everybody have a VERY Merry CHRISTmas and a happy and safe New Year!
Good job JJ, I've been wondering how you were doing.
Coyote calling and hunting is really slow in my neck of the woods.

Everybody and their brother seems to be running a trap line and they are really taking a toll on the coyotes.

I've been out several times, have not called in or shot any this year, it looks like I'm going to have to find a new area or give up calling.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Thanks for the kind words guys.
They were some nice looking furs!

That is tough about the trap line Bob! As long as the area is appealing to coyotes they will be around! Of course it is nicer to have the higher population to increase the odds!
Good luck!
Man...I love shooting coyotes. And pigs are just as good, and edible. The pigs, unfortunately, have left my place. Maybe that had something to do with my shooting and eating them. But, the best of all worlds for me is to shoot a bunch of pigs, keep what meat I need, and then use the other pigs and remains as bait for coyotes. That works great. And one golden moment...I had a coyote slip out of the woods to munch some dead pig and I dropped the dead coyote on top of the dead pig. Yup, I was stacking them up. And I got his GF too.

But lately, after I blasted the last 5 coyotes I've seen, I can't find a darn coyote on this place. If I just had some dead pigs.....
Thanks for the kind word guys!

603 that is what I call some WHACKIN N STACKIN!
Stay ready, they'll be back! :D
I scored a "double" yesterday. Three yotes came by and I got 2 with 2 shots but the third made it far enough I didn't want to try him. I thought the male was worth the effort so I weighed it-33#. Not as much as I expected-they get bigger when you have to drag them 1/4 mile.
No doubt Mobuck! They gain a bout every 100 yards you hve to carry them! :eek:

Hooligan1 the rifle is a Savage Axis chambered in .223. Actually I purchased the rifle when it was still considered the Edge. There is very little difference other then aesthetically but it was the original model without the accu trigger.
I load 55 grain V-Max over IMR-3031. I don't have my load data in front of me and my memory is not good enough to get any more specific then that! :o
But my 1:9 twist barrel like loads on the lower end of the scale! I believe after testing at about quarter grain intervals the winning load was about a half grain from the lowest recommendation.
Cool , we're supposed to get some snow Saturday so Sunday I might get out and try it, I will be using my .270 and some 130 grain accubonds, which I wanted to see how they perform on coyotes and fox...
I miss coyote hunting, I moved earlier and haven't gotten any networking done to find anyone in need of coyote culling.

We're still hunting deer 'round here. But coyotes seem to everywhere. Most PM hunts, I hear at least one bunch, sometimes many more. I know dang well the things run mature deer, seen it. And have seen fawns caught and killed as well.

Get as many as ya can. I'm gonna try'em again once we're done with deer.
JJ, I'm impressed. Be careful lifting two of those big suckers at one time. Looks like you could hurt your back.
Haha! Thanks for the concern!
I was by my self working with a timer on the camera! [emoji47] Needless to say it took a few takes to get it right!
By the time I did get it right I was sweating and exhausted!
I had this photo in mind for a while and just needed another double to happen to get it!
I was just hoping it happened before I got to old to do my part! [emoji106]