Some people!

I shoot at an indoor range. They have a nice chronometer, a CED Millennium, complete with the heavy-duty tripod and infrared skyscreens for indoor use. The owner of the range doesn't know how to use it, and he doesn't remember where he got it, but he allows clients who know how to use it to do so -- the twelve shooting lanes have a concrete wall separating number 6 from number 7, so when things are slow he can put all the shooters on 7 thru 12 and let someone have the left side to set up and use the chronograph.

I needed to check some loads I've been working up, so I went to the range this afternoon. There was nobody at all shooting when I arrived -- perfect. Got out the chronograph, got everything set up -- and then I noticed that one of the sky screens had a section chipped out of it. Hmmm ...

But the red indicator light was on, so it at least had power. I finished setting up and put five shots through the screens. NOTHING! It didn't even register an error. I have to assume that whatever damaged the sky screen put the whole machine out of commission. And those infrared sky screens aren't cheap. CED only sells the complete infrared option kit, and it costs $89.

I notified the owner that I had seen the damage before I took my shots, to be sure I wouldn't get blamed. Whoever did it just put the equipment back in the control room and didn't mention it to anyone. That's really low-down. I know I ham-handed it several years ago and broke one of the plastic vertical (sort of) support arms. I immediately 'fessed up, and I ordered the parts to replace it.

I hate people.
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It's disheartening that things seem always to be dragged down to 'the lowest common denominator'.

The folks that litter ranges (and litter in general). The folk shoot up NOT TARGET STUFF on ranges. Folks that take stuff that isn't theirs. Folks that vandalize stuff. The list goes on and on.

I remember the old joke that scientists have discovered the link between primitive man and civilized's us.

I guess we have to wait for "People 2.0" to happen.
There was recently a work day at a range where I maintain a membership.
Many improvements made, including setting four new concrete shooting benches and seats.

Before sunrise exactly a week later, two of the new bench bases (4" pipe) and a roof support post (6x6 wood) were discovered to have been shot in half by something .45 caliber.

Only members (and the Sheriff's department) have keys...
One option,check it out with a $100 or so damage deposit. Check it in undamaged,no charge.

I had a fellow ask to borrow one of my canoes.I know I can only lose on that deal.
I said "I tell you what. I paid $900 for that canoe.You hand me a $900 deposit.When you bring the canoe back,I'll decide how much to give you back.

He made other arrangements.

If the borrower has no skin in the game,and the "before and after" are not verified, isn't your bummer just about guaranteed?

And,since everything has a finite useful life,a fee of $5 or so would buy the replacement . It has to be managed.

"Bread cast upon the water comes back soggy"
HiBC said:
One option,check it out with a $100 or so damage deposit. Check it in undamaged,no charge.


And,since everything has a finite useful life,a fee of $5 or so would buy the replacement . It has to be managed.
I was thinking much the same thing, and I will probably propose that to the range owner the next time I see him. The infrared sky screens are not available as individual replacement parts; CED (Competitive Edge Dynamics) only sells a complete set of four support uprights and two sky screens, for $89/set. Factor in shipping, and $100 isn't an unreasonable deposit. I was thinking $10 to use it, plus the deposit, but $5 would be okay.

Thanks for reinforcing my thought process.
After seeing holes in.... literally everything... at pretty much every range I've ever been to, I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised to see a chrony get shot up. In fact, I'd be more surprised if it was the only thing in the range without holes.
I was at an outdoor range looking to find a good one. I set my gear on the table and when I reached down to grab my gear I found a human -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED- on the ground. :-(