Some NFA Humor


New member
Has it occurred anyone to call an ATF office, tell them that you have some unregistered NFA weapons to turn in, then show up with a box full of shoelaces?:D:D
Boy that sounds like a fun idea:rolleyes: How about you try it and let us know how it goes 5 days later after the questioning. Personally I can think of a better way to have a vacation from work. Next you might ask your wife or girlfriend very loudly for the "balm" in their purse at the airport security gate.:)
NFA branch folks at the BATFE have a great sense of humor; my items are all engraved with Latin for "The last argument of the king", and they usually get a chuckle out of it. :)
I don't doubt that some of them have a sense of humor; they are human. There is a difference in telling them you have "For Pirate Use Only" or "This End Toward Enemy" engraved on a rifle or suppressor and telling them "I have a bunch of illegal stuff at my house" and then telling them, "Aw shucks, I was just kidding" when they show up at the door.
Next you might ask your wife or girlfriend very loudly for the "balm" in their purse at the airport security gate.

LMAO!! I guess it wouldn't be prudent to shout "Hi" if you saw your friend Jack at the airport, either.:D
I usally dont bother to sign in and post anything but that was very very funny. Thanks for the laugh.