Some new results on gun control that are very scary!!!


New member
I don't remember where I found this but very interesting and scary as alls hell!!

...The title if the link doesn't work is "Be wary and carry" [tue may, 29, 2007]

I hope you enjoy and please pass on to all.

To the Mods if this is in the wrong place please post in it's appropriate place.

Thanks, Dave
Great article.

Unfortunately, you can't argue with stupid. And that is what most of the anti-gunnies are.

Wanna hear something really stupid? LOL

I have some friends, girl & guy, boyfriend/girlfriend. They don't really believe in the pro-gun movement. They told me: 'Well, we don't think guns are good. But, if something hits the fan, we're gonna come stay at your house." WHAT!!!???!?!???? lol. Just can't argue with that...
Same old tired pap being passed around the net for umpteen years that lends nothing to an intelligent argument about gun control but is as silly and rhetorical as the stuff from the "other side"....

WildipsofactoposthocergopropterhocAlaska ™
Works for me. The interesting thing is that the massacres of the 20th century occurred without Social Security numbers, ATM/credit cards, cell phones, and all the other stuff that can easily be used to track people these days. Very nasty what could be done today with those things and form 4473's. It basically makes for a dictator's shopping list.
well Ivan when/if "it" hits the fan charge them "The Plaza" rates for their stay.

just kidding, I might need a place to hunker down myself.:D

just a smity 9mm w/3 15rd mags here.:o but lookin for 1 or 3 ar/ak's:cool: and 3-4 cans o ammo.

alaska seems like your always negitive why? ya live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Or is it the people (or lack of) drivin you mad.
peace man, just thought it was intersting thats all.

I thought you of all would worrie more than most as a seller just a thought:)

alaska seems like your always negitive why? ....

I thought you of all would worrie more than most as a seller just a thought

Why? Because silliness is silliness no matter what side it comes from. I would prefer the other side to be the silly ones, not mine.

WilditsallaboutcriticalthinkingAlaska ™
Wild not sure what is so silly read the article found it informative. Last time i checked statistics are usually called boring at best but they are fact nothing silly about that 44% increase in armed robbery in Australia.