Some Hogs I Have Taken In The Last Month


New member
I keep alternating between my normal AR's and my LR308. I now use the 308 almost exclusively, it really gets the job done fast. I have a YHM can on order for it. If I use my normal AR's I only use M855 penetrator rounds, they really work well.





Yall asked about what method we use to hunt them at night. Here is a pic of one of our setups, its just cheap Walmart landscape lights that are solar powered. I upgrade the batteries to Energizer rechargeable, and it works really well. Works as good as those real expensive systems.


We do have nightvision as well, notice the PVS 14 on this rifle.

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Good shooting!
Makes me want to crank up the smoker with some mesquite wood.

Is that a silencer on the rifle in the first photo?
Man, that's quite a bit of pork!

Wish I had that much pork in my freezer. My neighborhood would smell like delicious woodsmoke and pig 24/7.
Yes, the can is on order now. That cans a close friend of mines that is a class 3 dealer, he brought it for me to demo. I have placed my order and am waiting on the stamp to come in.
Looks like tons of fun, we don't have them here in VA but I have been to Tenn to hunt them a couple of times. Great table fair to go along with a great time. Keep those pick's coming!
"Ghost Pig"

I have posted that pic on several hog forums and thats the first albino boar they have seen. He was a real albino with red eyes :eek:.
That's a real sweet set-up. Are the lights motion actvated or the ones that just come on at night? I know that Wal-Mart sells both types pretty cheap. Looks like the "Ghost Pig" is really a ghost now.Thanx a lot for your post and pics... I am taking notes.
They are the kind that stay on all night. They have never ever spooked the hogs, they pay them no mind at all. You can buy them at walmart in 2 packs for 20 dollars. So 10 a light is cheap enough. I like the metal lights like this at lowes a little better, but they are 30 each. I have my feeder set to go off right before dark, if it goes off during the day the birds eat most of it.
Nice work, some good lookin pigs. :D
I never have hunted them myself but have always wanted to.
thanks for showing your harvest,
good luck against those commie swine! lol
I always hear people saying how bad it is to live in a place over run by pigs but it sounds like alot of fun and good eatin to me!!
Thanx there D.S. I have quite a few piggies on my place as well. I have had limited sucess at night with the compound, and a home made hog light. I have always believed the old wives tail about permenant lights scaring them away, but after seeing your set up, i dont believe it anymore. I may have to rig up a set or two like yours.I even rigged a tac-light to my scout rifle for night time hog hunts but have to get pretty close to them as well, and play the wind just like with the bow. I guess i have'nt been staying out late enough to catch the really big ones. I really appreciate your posting this thread as it has got my gears spinning.:D