Some HD shotgun observations....

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
During my cybervoyages I've hit lots of BBs and sites about HD and shotguns. There's an amazing amount of misinformation, myths and untruths out there, and I'd like to address these to help folks out and make the world a little safer.

My qualifications include 10 years of teaching part time for the Md Dept of Public Safety. I instructed hundreds of Correctional Officers to shoot, including with shotguns.

You don't have to aim a shotgun.

Only if you don't care if you hit or not, and why shoot at all if that's the case? At 15 feet, the pattern is smaller than a shirt pocket.Tied into this one is the myth that hip shooting can be effective. Maybe, but after shooting hundreds of rounds from the hip(formerly part of the qualification course) I'm using the sights and shooting from the shoulder at anything more than contact range.


A shotgun can be used by anyone effectively.

The only people I saw becoming more than barely proficient(load,fire,etc) were those that liked shotgun and shot recreationally.
A shotgun will NOT substitute for expertise.

A HD shotgun NEEDS lots of accessories and gunsmithing.

Basically, anyone who is proficient only needs an ammo capacity of at least 2 shots and reliability. All the rest of the bells and whistles are nice, but not as crucial as some folks,including dealers and makers, would have you believe.

The best accessory for anyone is lots of ammo. Technology CANNOT substitute for expertise either.And, this melds into the mag extension question....

Extended mags may or may not be a good thing from the capacity standpoint, But, face it, if 4 or 5 rounds of shotgun ammo don't control a situation, probably 6 or 7 won't either. In those scenarios,backup's what is needed, not a deeper ammo stash.

However, there are a coupla advantages to mag extensions besides more beans in the wheel.The extra weight cuts felt recoil,and slugs oft group very much tighter when the bbl is clamped to an extension. In effect, it stiffens the bbl.

A pistol grip instead of a regular stock aids effectiveness.

BULL! We had to train with folders for a while and it was harder for most folks to qualify with the PG setup. And, until we grow hinges in our forearms, it doesn't make the piece more handy.If you're auditioning for Miami Vice II, get a pistol grip. If you want to keep on living, use a full stock. BTW, full stocks with pistol grips seem OK, but offer no advantage I can see.


You need 00 to be effective...

Or 000, or #4 buck, or whatever.

At typical HD ranges, one could load the shells with breath mints and they'd still be lethal. Find what works for you in your use environment and stay with it. A HD pump shotgun can be mix loaded if desired with say, two duck loads up first, then slugs or 00,depending on circumstance.

And, depending on a shotgun/ammo combo and not testing the pattern is kinda useless.

Finally, a shotgun worked by a cool and experienced shooter is perhaps the best tool for HD inside of 25 yards. Shoot safely and often.

Hope this helps, sing out if there's questions, disagreements, or anything else...
Agree completely. Only caveat I would add is that number 4's are more effective than 6's or 8's in a HD environment.

Seems the afteraction of one of our prison riots indicated that lighter loads required you to be *really* close. 4s were chosen due to the increased penetration.

I really like the "breath mints" line and am going to add it to my vocabulary.

What's your opinion on the "1 inch per yard" idea? Refers to the anticipated shot charge spread.

Thanks, Giz. I've heard of that one inch per yard rule for a few decades, but never tested it out. Some variables, like choke, forcing cone length, pellet size, roundness, wad, velocity,etc, kinda make the "Rule" pretty elastic.

And, for HD I'm no fan of large pattern spread. I'd prefer all the pellets striking in a .80 caliber to 5 inch pattern, center mass. Pellets outside the pattern pose a threat to the wrong people.

I did some testing a while back with duty ammo and weapons. The ammo was standard Winchester 00 2 3/4" loads, and the weapons were 870s with 18" IC choke bbls. Targets were standard FBI silohuettes. Around 40 rounds were fired, half at 15 and half at 25 yards. At 25 yards, no target showed all 9 pellets in the vitals.

A brief check later with my personal 870, zero choke, lengthened forcing cone, gave 2 targets out of five with all pellets in the vitals. I heartily recommend having the forcing cone done.
Dave McC,

Thanks for all your wisdom. I'm still researching the topic (i.e. trying to find a range that will let me rent/shoot buckshot), but your information has been very helpful to separate the crap from the reality.

Breath mints!

I love it.


Maybe I should load the first shell with PopRocks. Oy, they sting like mad I'll say that...


Mr. McC

What's the typical cost for having a forcing cone lengthened on an 870 barrel? I have a couple 870's including a new HD model.

My guess for the cost of doing the forcing cone is around $50,Expresso. Or, if you're handy, Brownell's sells the tool. Since you've multiple 870s(as I do), it may be better to buy the tool.Since I haven't done Daughter's 20 ga combo, I've two bbls to do on that one so I might get the 20 ga tool.

Jon, maybe Poprocks are the more modern version of rock salt loaded shells. A childhood foray into crime taught me the effect of same.
Your observations were pretty much accurate. I do think that Law Enforcement agents could benefit the most from mag extensions and weapons lights (sure-fires). Since most agencies deploy one man cars, it would not hurt anyone to add a few more rounds in the shotgun magazine. If the officer goes to a call which turns ugly, it would be kind of nice to have all those rounds available.

Now, there are some stupid accesories, like forward and aft pistol grips. I have even seen a heat guard, who the hell needs a heat guard on a shotgun? But, I would recommend a sturdy weapons light any day for anyone who owns a shotgun for HD. Since most attacks occur a night, it would be kind of nice to have a light on the weapon instead wrestling with a mag-light in your weak hand. Have you ever tried to fire a pump action shotgun one handed? It isn't cool...

This topic did remind me of a saying that I heard a long time ago, "It is better to have and not need than to need and not have".

The point is, do you really know what your going up against in the middle of the night? I do think that you could easily go overkill with the accessories and turn out a awkward handling gun.

Then again, I remind myself of the old saying, "Keep it simple, stupid".
Mixed feelings about mounted lights for HD. Right now,w/o a light, my 870 runs over 9 lbs, and while it handles fine for me, I doubt most folks could wield it satisfactorily.

Once upon a time, I bought an adapter for a Mini Maglite and stuck it on. It did not help balance or handiness at all.

OTOH, target ID is crucial....
I really like the light on the gun concept. I've had two and do not plan to be without. Best place I've used it was/is for outdoor varmits. The SureFire forend kits are very expensive, but very nice.

As far as the Inch per Yard rule, I've shot enough to be wary of it - just wondered if your experiance coincided with mine. Some of the stranger things I've witnessed was a buddy's 870 putting 8 out of 9 OO pellets on a E Type silouhette at 50 (!!!) yards, each time for 5 shots. Never duplicated that again.

My experiance is that 25 yards is about it for consistant results from OO or larger buckshot.

I had a SGT 870 that had the modified choke sleeve in it. It was effective at 50 yards with #1 or #4 buck. (paterning anyway) Never could get all of the pellets on the target though. Usually about 14 out of 16 for the #1 loads.

My current two 12 guages are very adequate in the house. The outside problem is handled by my 12 guage with the SureFire light in the forearm and a magazine full of #4 buck.

To each his own,Giz. Re #4 buck at 50 yards, I'm not sure each pellet has sufficient retained energy,but I admit I haven't crunched the numbers. Doing so makes my head hurt(G)...

Agreed on 25 yards, except in very unusual cases.Some of the guys that do semipro turkey shoots may have some input about chokes and boring that may apply.

Shotguns can sure come up with some headscratchers. One year at the range for the hunter's sight in day, I saw one gent with a Model 97 16 ga,full choke, put three slugs into a cloverleaf at 100 yards,then do it again when someone said it must have been a fluke.Bead sight,no rib. He was the grandson or G grandson of the original owner, and said it has taken a trainload of meat over the years. Go figure!

And slings should not be on a HD weapon, just something to get in the way at a terribly wrong time. The HD 870 here at Casa McC has none, the 870 dedicated to deer hunting does.

Bennett, never had a problem with retention except with the original corncob forearm on the oldest 870 here,ca 1956. That forearm is now on the 870 set up for birds and clays, where a little slip is not crucial. But, if it works for you, I see no downside from here.
Hi David,

I think #4 is a bit light for people but it works very well on coyotes and other small predators. My favorite blend of size and pellet count is #1 buck.

You mention older guns - I have a Ithaca M37 with the 4 round magazine and a 20 inch barrel. Gun came from the factory with a Full choke barrel. Interesting idea - I'm surprised it hasn't seen more execution.

And your dead on the money as far as the turkey guys are concerned. Very different ball game and some of the results have to be seen to be believed. Jim Carmichael did and interesting write up on that a few years back.

Very well said Dave.

damn near anything else iI could say I've already said in AR vs. shotgun.

And BTW I'm not a cop, not a grunt, not a jack booted stormtrooper or a private eye. I'm just a guy who hunts a lot and likes to bust clays and uses a remmington 870 as a back-up gun for elk.

Funny thing though.. you all must have some DAMN long hallways to be worried about a 25 yard HD shot. ;)

The 37 is one great design, too, Giz, another J B Browning masterpiece. Amazing, just how many of his ideas are still in production, 70 some years following his demise.

IMO, a tactical shotgun with a full choke is not a bad idea. One 870 here takes a modified tube when it's not deer season. Then, the rifled tube goes in.

And it's not 25 yard long halls, it's the typical maximum range, the area in which the shotgun really shines.

Last FBI stats I saw, average range in a shotgun confrontation was more like 7 feet.
Dave - so, in your opinion, at 10-12 feet, would #7-8 birdshot be effective for HD in a 12ga IC choke against a BG wearing shirt and light jacket? South Georgia here, not much heavy winter clothing out there.
Pete I agree, I know this is for HD but it can turn into real combat and all the vets that used shotguns talk of always loading them and keeping them full during combat.

BTW if you use benelli for defence they eat up the ammo so damn fast you need all you can get, after about 2 seconds your empty.
Vang has built guns pattering all 00buck pellets on man sized out to 50+ yards over and over, you just have to find the load your barrel likes best.

I hear a lot of talk over shot size, will this be adequate or that or this one? Just use 000BUCK or slugs and you know it will take anyone down provided you do your part and put the lead on the BG, but then again,

If you are recoil sensitive, know that a friend of mine shot a rock salt load completly through a 3/4" sheet of plywood at about 7 feet away, the mints are no joke, I like certs best for defence as it does the job and leaves house smelling nice.heheeh
Clogbert, yes. At 10-12 feet, the load will hit like a solid bullet around .80 inch in doameter, then fragment. And, penetration through walls and hurting a non combatant is less likely. Note the "LESS". Always be sure of your backstop.

Not thought about much, but there may be a place for the ammo makers here they're not filling at present. Postulate a HD shotgun load for tight places and short range. Let's drop the payload to say, 5/8 oz for starters. This will help the folks that are recoil shy.

Make it steel shot,to reduce overpenetration, say, in BB size, and cut the powder to keep the velocity around a nominal 1200 FPS. Use one of the old spreader wads to optimize the spread.Less powder means one might keep some hearing after an incident.

Howzat sound, folks?

Ober, if you've got your HD shotgun loaded with slugs, I hope you live in a rural area with no close neighbors, or failing that, no likeable ones.
Gee, unless you are a LEO or military, what's wrong with whatever shotgun you already have, and what ever shells you keep around for any other purpose. Unless a person lives in a REALLY big house, I would think any shotgun round would do the job at 20 or 30 feet. Unless you are looking for an excuse to buy another gun, (which I always am) why does a person need a hi cap, black parkerized, flashlight holding, ghost ring sited, side saddle carrying weapon for HD? Now if you want a gun like that, I say go for it. (I have a couple myself)

Good shootin to ya
Dave.. I have found that a pistol grip on a 20" pump aids comfort and pointibility. Mini-maglites are bad news due to element damage after one it goes out !
US3=BR3 size, a bit heavy for HD. Try 1oz trapload in BR7 or 8 size out of a 20" barrel cylinder choke for first two shots, then Br4s and THEN buck and slug. Good idea ?

***Big Bunny***
Plateshooter, any shotgun with an ammo capacity of at least two shots is one great HD weapon for a qualified shooter,regardless of load,with caveats. One acquaintance had an old LC Smith SXS 16 ga in the closet with bbls lopped off at around 20 inches. I regard him as well prepared.

The tweaked stuff, like I have several of, is overdoing it. However, I spent 20 years of my life working in prisons, where mild paranoia was a very good mindset. So, Casa McC is set up to repel boarders, as it were.

Bunny, we used folding stocks w/ pistol grips for years and the troops had trouble qualifying with them. Also, no advantage in handling that I can see unless one develops a hinge in his forearm. After shooting hundreds of rounds from the hip, any shotgun of mine is A, gonna have a shoulder stock on it, B, be fired from the shoulder at more than contact range, and C,will be used with sights.

Try running a fast traverse course with and w/o a shoulder stock,check scores and time. Bet you'd yank that PG off in a heartbeat!

As for ammo, I'm heard pros and cons about mix loading. And, have done so myself. I'm not enthused about folks using slugs for HD, except in rural areas, VERY rural areas. Even so, the side saddle in my primary holds two Brennekes, along with 00. Justin Case...