Some Distinguished People Never Fired a Round

Bart B.

New member
Early DCM EIC leg matches were sometimes team events. Top ten percent of all teams were awarded points. Included team captains and coaches that didn't shoot.

Most interesting to me is a top level USN distinguished pistol shooter who is also a distinguished rifle marksman. He never fired a round in a rifle match but often coached them.

He's best known for rebuilding and match conditioning Garands. Who would ever think Don McCoy never shot an M1 in competition.

He's least known for his WWII actions while a young petty officer at the Kaneohe Bay Naval Air Station on Oahu the morning of December 7, 1941. He carried belts of 50 caliber BMG ammo from a hangar to CPO Finn who had set up a machine gun to shoot down enemy planes. Finn was wounded and his actions earned him the first Medal of Honor to be awarded in World War II.

Finn's Citation:
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Yes. First met him in 1968 when he was rebuilding Garands at the USN match conditioning unit in San Diego. He attended all the USN shooting team reunions starting in the early 1990's until he passed. Visited him and his wife often in Santee, CA when I was stationed in San Diego.