some cool self defense weapons

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Personally, if I'm feeling the need to pack a pistol I also take intermediate defense measures - knife and pepper spray. Oddly enough, I can't legally carry a baton here in California even though I have a CHL.

It is pretty much the same in most states where a permit for a handgun does not include batons, knives (or certain knives) etc. Personally I think the shorter expandable batons are about as close to ideal an intermediate defensive tool to be found. They have the additional flexibility of being used with deadly force; nothing more than a change of target area.
When I was a reserve officer I carried the following at one time or another:

A 26'' straight baton, side-handle baton, police nunchuks, and a 21" expandle baton. Also at one time or another, OC spray and pepper spray. Now that I am no longer a reserve I can no longer carry any of the impact devices. If I could I would certainly carry the expandable baton.

I have a CCW so I am able to carry any or all three firearms. It would be good to have a less-than-lethal impact device also. The perps are not bothered about carrying anything they want and since I have been trained in several I would like the ability to do so with out concern about being busted for a felony rap. :(
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