some anti-gun liberals "get it"


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Good editorial in the Philly Daily News today...

Gun ruling shines spotlight on real problems

I'M A CARD-carrying Democrat. Moreover, as a former co-chairman of Philadelphia Against Drugs, Guns and Violence, I abhor guns and the carnage they create. While working with Operation Ceasefire, I helped to promote a program that promises a mandatory five years tacked onto a defendant's sentence when the defendant uses a gun in the commission of a crime.

Rally after rally and march after march, we would talk about the need to put down guns and "stop the violence" - but let me be clear, at no point did I believe that restricting an individual's rights to own a gun would improve the situation in the communities hardest hit by drug-related gun violence.

So, when the Supreme Court ruled last week that the rights of a U.S. citizen to own a gun for hunting and personal protection could not be infringed upon, thereby making Washington's gun law illegal, I wasn't the least bit upset.

I never felt so good about a decision rendered by the court's conservative majority. I never thought that I would agree with Associate Justices Scalia or Thomas. (I generally despise the two, on the basis of their legal renderings.)

But Thursday's ruling makes perfect sense to this Democrat. (Alito and Roberts were spot on as well.)

The court's conservative majority decided to ignore the liberals who believe that the only way to make our communities safer is to impose further gun restrictions on law-abiding Americans.

Essentially, the court upheld the Second Amendment, which is contained within the U.S. Constitution, as . . . well . . .constitutional.

In my opinion, the National Rifle Association has always been right (pun intended) on this issue. Wrong on most others, but right on this one.

And this ruling will force liberals to focus on the real reasons for gun violence.

At some point, liberals and anti-gun folks will have to realize that it is failing families, schools and communities that lead to drug-related gun violence, not guns purchased by law-abiding citizens.

Even if you examine straw purchases, the impact is infinitesimal when compared with the impact of poor education, absentee fathers and a community lacking a moral focus and appropriate priorities. All of these things lead a young person to make the wrong choices, which is at the heart of our gun violence problem in urban America.

By the way, the same can be said for this silly public-relations hoax that we call gun "buyback" programs. What a waste of time, energy and effort. There is no research to demonstrate that such programs lead to even a slight decrease in gun violence.

So, why do we do them? We do them because it allows incompetent politicians to feel as though they're doing something. They want to be able to go back to their under-informed constituents and say, Hey! Look at me. I'm doing something about the 400 murders, on average, in Philadelphia yearly, or the five or six gunshot victims a day! When they really aren't.

To add insult to injury, these ineffective buyback programs are usually supported by the very radio stations that are responsible for playing rap songs glorifying drug-dealing, homicide and gunplay. Hypocrisy, thy name is . . .

These are the kinds of things you won't hear from Al Sharpton's mouth. These are the words of truth, which many, though unwisely, choose to ignore. IN OTHER WORDS, guns don't kill people - misguided, unloved, disconnected, uneducated, angry youth kill people. Youth without mentors and role models kill people.

So, those liberals who purport to really want to end senseless gun violence should focus on changing that unfortunate reality - instead of U.S. gun laws.
And this ruling will force liberals to focus on the real reasons for gun violence.

So, those liberals who purport to really want to end senseless gun violence should focus on changing that unfortunate reality - instead of U.S. gun laws.

Good article and he brings up some facts that I hope causes the gun banners to take note. However, my hunch is that guns will still be blamed rather than face the issues that actually need to be addressed.

This age of PC and being afraid to deal with the tough issues because of it is BS.
Thanks for posting that.

My take is that the author isn't anti-gun, but anti-gun-violence. He gets it that guns don't cause crime and there is no reason why responsible adults should not be allowed to own them.

I think we can all agree that we are against gun violence. ;)

(PS - I'm not referring to self-defense.)
At some point, liberals and anti-gun folks will have to realize that it is failing families, schools and communities that lead to drug-related gun violence, not guns purchased by law-abiding citizens.

How long before he is thrown out of the Democratic party and branded a traitor?
Wonder what his former cronies will do to him

Dragged through the streets and maybe tarred and feathered would be my guess.
I hope for his own sake he's got a PA LCTF. He just made some enemies, but he's welcome to have a beer with me anytime I'm in Philly (which is often b/c of family). :)
Shaggy, thanks for posting that article.

All I can say is WOW! Not only does Mr. Williams get it, but he communicated it brilliantly. I hope his e-mail box gets flooded with positive support from both sides of the aisle.
This position among liberals is not as uncommon as you might think.
Stop listening to those that portray liberals as caricatures. We're people too.
If you think that was shocking check out the opinion section of Yahoo news. Ted Rall acknowledged the 2nd ammendment was an individual right. I never thought I'd hear that from him.
Who's a Liberal? ME? -- You talking to ME?

OK.. maybe.. YES. (slight waffle - it's in the DNA).

I have found that gun ownership has the ability to bridge the gap on many discussion that might never take place do to partisan opinions on different subjects.

It's a way to build friendships that may never have been formed. With this critical catalyst behind us, who knows how many other common virtues can be shared and disccussed.

When first getting involved in gun rights/bareing of arms; I really got to see the other side of an issue that I never thought I would be feeling. It is truly an eye opener. I would'nt go as far as to say "I saw the light" Jerry Falwell is someone I would never want to have a beer with, oh yeah he probably wouldn't do that publicly anyway.
I love that part about the failure of the family, schools and communities. I've seen juveniles thirteen years of age having children. They can't even take care of themselves and they're already propagating. Grandparents are often called upon to raise their grandchildren and as they die off, then the only role model left is the drug dealer. He's the one success story (albeit shortly lived) in the 'hood.

Guess what? The downward spiral is going to get worse as the economy declines.:(

That's why I get fuming mad when schools kick out the Boy Scouts or JrROTC. Both organizations give kids constructive things to do rather than play gang-banger but the liberal anti-military elements that seem to speak so loudly never consider the consequences of their actions.