solunar tables ? /


New member
Does anyone hunt by the solunar tables? If so, did it change your luck? I know with fishing there is a definite correlation, but with game? I have recently been following the tables for archery and I notice more deer movement in "Prime times". What do you guys think?:confused:
I believe!!!!

I have a buddy that works on the formulas for these things in his free time. He does field study on the tables too.
Naw... More often I check them after a particularly great or crappy day and find more often then not, the tables were 180 degrees off.
Some of my best days fishing (only time I check tables) were listed as off times for fish.
I don't look to them for hunting. I think the brightness of the moon may figure in to deer movement but can't pin it down to make my daytime hunts better.
I know for hogs it doesn't seem to affect their nightime movements enuff to notice. I have had both success and failure day and night bright moon or new moon. Just no pinnin' it down for me so I hunt when ever I can.