Soldiers funeral protestors bus tires flattened

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There is really no place for this this type of story except maybe the Law and Civil Rights issue.

This Churches actions to me are just pure harassment of the soldiers family and friends.

Now this case is currently under review with the Supreme Court about the Freedom of Speech that they say they have to do this. but I must highly disagree with their tactics.

I am surprised that there has not been actually more repercussion from the other side. These people are playing with their families life and wellbeing. How stupid can you be, there are other ways of protesting then to show up at a funeral.

I am assuming that they had nobody to call and thank on Veterans Day.
I do not agree with the tactic either, but I can not say I would care if they had to walk 200 miles home either...
There were some protestors doing something stupid and so some of the counterprotestors decided to do something equally stupid and commit a criminal act.

So what is the point of posting about this incident? Are you upset that the protestors 1st Amendment rights were being squelched?

Now this case is currently under review with the Supreme Court about the Freedom of Speech that they say they have to do this.

No, this case is not currently under review with the Supreme Court. Given that this even just happened, it is not under review by the Supreme Court. A different case is under review by the Supreme Court, one involving Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder. This incident involved Sgt. Jason James McCluskey.

No doubt that the Supreme Court will rule that such protests are protected by the 1st Amendment, as they should be protected. No doubt some states may pass laws, or local governments pass ordnances stating that funeral protests must be held at distances no closer than X.
They were set to come to Omaha friday for a teachers funeral. Same thing, tires flattened on the way here. A teachers funeral, she was hit by accident on her way to her car.

Some of us bikers show up to these and use flags to hide these people from the funeral service. Patriot Guard.
I think the bikers have the right idea. Stretch American flags in front of the protesters. Between them and the funeral procession. Anyone who would protest a soldier's funeral has to have a very sick mind.
Sick minds,,,

Anyone who would protest a soldier's funeral has to have a very sick mind.

These people do have very sick minds,,,
And it's not just for protesting a soldier's funeral,,,
But for disrupting the peace of anyone's danged funeral,,,
And they are just chomping at the bit to sue anyone who violates "their" rights.

They hide behind the cloaks of well-meaning people who think political correctness is the same thing as tolerance of differences.

Shame on the cowardly lawmakers who refuse to address this situation.

i agree that the protesters have a first amendment right to protest,however i should have a right to take a baseball bat upside their heads while they are doing it.
Lights out - while the issues of free speech are germane, I fear that the actions of this group will just bring on comments that won't get us anywhere.

Yes, I would like to share an opinion but closed.

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