Soldered over/under blueing

Roger Daily

I have a Savage over/under shotgun that I tried to have professionally blued. I was told that due to the fact that the barrels were soldered together it would be impossible to reblue the gun. This was a few years ago. I figure with the speed of technology its time to start asking again. So........can anyone blue the previously "unblueable?
Roger, some newer doubles can be reblued with the hotbule method but for the most part the soft solder used on the barrels won't stand up to the hot caustic salts. I normally rust blue these guns. I'd be happy to do that for you. Just e-mail me. George
Just so you know, George is absolutely correct. The one thing he didn't mention is that rust blueing is about four times more labor intensive than regular hot blueing. So it can be done, but it will probably cost a little more. And if you send it to someone who just hot blues it, he could spring the barrels apart, as the solder could soften under the high temperature (approx 265 degrees) of hot blueing.

there is also a process called belgium bluing that I do on doubles. It runs about 250.00
I am ffl gunsmith in SC.
Its very similair to the finish on browning doubles