SOG Vision

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Now -I have refrained from reviewing knives here. I used to do that alot. Thats best left to
But I decided to remark here instead. I picked up a SOG Vision today because it is just so Kick Butt.
We here a lot about Benchmades and Spydercos and the like. SOG hasnt come out with anything realy interesting for some time. I used to have a SOGwinder and a multitool that I really liked... Both decent tools - but nothing special.
I was at a retailer that carried all the great knives and all the production folders you could ever want. I examinded all of them and was left wanting. Then I checked out the SOG Vision that was in a locked case that I didnt even glance at before. My 6 year old said that I should "look at that COOL Lookin knife up there." So I did.
As soon as I held it - I knew this was the knife I wanted. It FELT RIGHT in the hand. Good heft but not heavy. Good balance.
I was impressed.
Solid Titanium handle - ATS-34 blade. Its good stuff. Next time your looking for a knife - Dont overlook SOG.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud