Software to save serial numbers of your collection?


New member
Just wondering since my collection is starting to grow I would like to know if there is a program made for this type of thing. To keep model numbers, etc...

"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force."

--Ayn Rand, in "The Nature of Government"
sure it's called 'notepad' your Start menu under 'Accesories'. Can even save the file to a floppy to put in a secure place in case the steal your comp.
Or even better than that, you could just write them down and keep a copy in your glovebox and sock drawer...

Big Guns again
No speakee well
But plain.
What happens if they steal your computer AND your guns,mmmmmmmm?????


Yeah, I got a permit to carry,it's called the friggin Constitution.---Ted Nugent

"Glock 26: 17 rounds of concealed carry DEATH comming your way from out of nowhere!!! THAT'S FIREPOWER, BABY!!!"
hoosierboy, just put them in a word processor in a list, then save them to a disk.

Then take that disk and secure it in your fireproof safe with your pictures. Of course, your safe or firebox needs to be in a safe place. I use my oven, since I don't cook. It's also a good place to store powder. ;)
Excel is a good program for this.
Not only can you enter serials... but you can track performance and balistics with it too.
I use Excel for all of this. Lotus 1-2-3 was the ticket for years, but Gates finally asimilated me.
Thanks guys I just thought there was a program designed specifically for this, I already have it on a database so thanks for the info.

"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force."

--Ayn Rand, in "The Nature of Government"
You can use just about anything.

I've been keeping my firearms lists in a tables format originally set up for WordPerfect 5.1, and I just keep converting it to higher and higher versions.

Word has decent tables features.

Access, Excell, Lotus Notes, Lotus 123, Quatro, any of those can be used and a good job done of it.

Newer versions of WordPerfect have an established template for household inventory that could likely be modified to keep this information.

Just be sure to make multiple copies of the disks.

It's also good to keep a hardcopy version in several places just in case the computer or disks are stolen or damaged.

Beware the man with the S&W .357 Mag.
Chances are he knows how to use it.
As much as I hate keeping a written record of my guns, I'd hate even more to lose a gun and not be able to report an accurate serial number.

I use Excel and note the make, model, type (rifle/handgun/shotgun), bbl length, caliber, finish type, serial number, value, and seller (if it's a dealer). Under the value column, I have an auto-summed cell which shows the overall value of the collection.

¡Viva la RKBA!
Bulldawg: NRA, GOA, TSRA, Shiner Bock Connoisseur.
Bulldawg's Firearms Page
As others here, I use Word on a notebook computer that's not tied to my LAN here.
Not trusting of Microsofts unsecurity features built in to their products.

A word about keeping a copy in any vehicle...
My brother did that, and his truck (18 wheeler) was broken into while he was home one weekend. Yep, his gun data was on a Palm Pilot, as was his home address, etc...

God help the schmuck who tries to break into the house. His squeeze can 10 ring 125 grs. @ 25 paces with a Model 19. :) :)

Best Regards,

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms;
History shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.
Adolf Hitler
"Corrupt the young, get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, and destroy their rugged- ness.
Get control of all means of publicity, and thereby get the peoples' mind off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays, and other trivialities.
Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance."

Vladimir Ilich Lenin, former leader of USSR
Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.

John F. Kennedy

[This message has been edited by Donny (edited July 11, 2000).]
If you want hoosierboy, I can write you an Access Database. With Item #, Description, Serial Number. etc etc etc whatever you want.
I don't have any gun list database on my home PC, but I do have a listing of guns, model numbers, serials that I keep locked in my fire-safe. I also give a copy to my executor (brother-in-law) just in case... In fact, I have a listing of his guns for the same reasons!

The only 'problem' I have with this is that I have to continually update my written list as my collection grows! :D

I suppose I should get with the computer age and put a database on the computer. I know there are tracking software programs out there for FFLs so I suppose one of those would work.

I was also thinking of taking pictures of my 'stash' with my new digital camera and keep a 'photo album' of them for various reasons--like posting pics of a gun I have questions about now that I'm starting to get into collecting WW2 firearms. :cool:

Remember, just because you are not paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you!