Soft Body Armor


Do you wear Soft Body Armor ( SBA )? Daily?
What level? Who made it? How do you care for your SBA? What is the reason you wear SBA? Work? Proscribed? Specific risk? George
George, are you asking GSGI for the opinion, or the forum?

GSGI highly recommends their students to "wear" SBA. Regardless of how hot, sweaty, sticky you might get, it goes on every working day. I wear Safariland level II, with a washable cover. I hope this answers some of your questions.
I wear the departmental issued SBA everyday at work. We were issued US Armor Corp. type II with a Ballistic plate up front.
My Department's policy is that you wear your body armor anytime you are on duty, SUMMER or Winter.
I wear Level IIA when assisting on dangerous warrants or when on patrol with the Sherrif's Department (as per dept. policy, though vests are optional above 90 degrees, none of us choose to not wear them).
Technically, I do not have to wear when I am "assisting" in Nashville,and most of the CID guys do not, unless it is very unusual circumstances. (ie- percieved ahead of time as dangerous)

I personally own an older safariland level IIA and I have a dept issued SAfariland Magnum-lite. I also have one older Level II vest.

I generally keep the Magnum-lite vest and some other gear in a range bag in my truck when travelling around. The otehr two vests are kept in the walk in closet (near the shotgun and revolver) that my wife and I have designated the "safe-room" in case something goes bump in the night.


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 01-06-99).]
I wear a Safariland Stabpro CS3 with a hard trama plate. ( 100 joules knife, 2a ballistic ) And a Safariland Cover 6 plus, Magnum lite modular for "High risk"


[This message has been edited by snoman (edited 01-04-99).]
I asked under the "cold Weather" thread, but not catch the same audience as we have here:

Does anyone have any practical experience with Hatch's kevlar or spectra gloves? (ie- anyone ever grabbed a blade or been slashed while wearing them?)
I was afraid of that.
Frankly, I am more worried about needles than knives when I am frisking/searching.. and I am under no illusion that a $40 dollar pair of leather/spectra gloves is gonna protect me from a hypo.

This might be too elementary for most of you, but if it helps only ONE of you, I'm happy.

In the Scty & LEO classes I teach, I tell them to ask the subject if he (she) has any guns, knives, other weapons, needles, anything sharp or "anything else I need to know about". Advise them it's much better to tell you right away than wait to let you find it. Many will tell you everything - some won't. Whatever they tell you puts you ahead of the game.
Then pat the subject down carefully - really carefully! With little practice you will be able to identify most threats before you put your hand inside the pocket, waistband, boot, sock, hatband, belt, hairdo, etc...
I throw the class open to discussion. This really increases their attention and most of them have a story to tell about knives, needles, box cutters, razor blades, sharpened screwdrivers, kubotans, various "keychain toys", etc.
I stress (and we discuss) how a little extra time spent (before you put your hand where you can't see it) can add a lot of extra time to your life!
BTW, if you get stuck with a needle (or whatever) the advice you probably will receive is to "make it bleed". Hmm, the heart pumps at least five liters of blood per minute - much more under stress/excitement. If you get stuck, the "infected" blood would circulate rather quickly (I would think). Therefore, I'm not very confident that "make it bleed" would be much help! (Doctors' comments??)
Prevention rather than treatment seems the way to go.
LEOs: Stay safe. You can't "serve and protect" my loved ones, or earn a living for YOUR loved ones, if you're sick or injured.
As they say, "My $0.02."
Sorry to deviate from the "body armor" subject, but disease can kill you just as dead as a bullet can.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited 01-05-99).]
In about 15 minutes, I'll be heading out the door, and I'll be donning a Point Blank IIIA Goldflex vest with modular pockets. For lower profile work, I like my Second Chance Monarch IV, level IIA -- it's extremely wearable, light, and flexible.

Re: the kevlar/spectra gloves, a knifemaker friend of mine was at a trade show and cut through some of the samples, so these gloves don't give me the warm fuzzies. I toasty South FL, even regular leather gloves are too hot for extended wear. I typically wear a pair of Nomex flight gloves, with the bottoms rolled up, for any work where handling of the unknown (with the exception of known biohazards) is necessary. They give similar gripping surface protection as light leather gloves, and the fabric back breathes better than leather.
I have worn units from several manufacts...
Safariland is the best out there. Best fit, and best quaility. Spare no expense in this area - buy the best you can afford.

Safariland Cover 6 is awesome stuff... but at a starting price of 1200 bucks... I had my selection go up to 1450 real fast before I was done. Ouch. But dang, did it look good!
Like Will Smith said in Men in Black "I make this look GOOD."

Kenetic Defense Institute
"Sir Heckler"
All of my wear is as a Citizen. Mormal wear is a Monarch in an undercover carrier, tho I also sometimes might wear a Superfeatherlight in a Spa carrier. My old Y2+ still gets used on occasion, and travels in my Camper.
I also have a Safariland vest, purchased in a moment of weakness, about 16 years ago -- the most uncomfortable vest ever made. They must have gotten better, from what Kodiac has to say about them.
Always wore a vest in my store -- had everyone from SYTs to ignorant LEOs point loaded guns at me. Right after a local department got their new Glocks, one of the LEOs came in looking for an off duty holster. I handed him one the prosecutors office had been buying, and he proceeded to draw his Glock from his duty holster, shove gun in holster -- with his hand over the end of the holster -- while pointing gun at me and as I quickly moved aside, he turned and followed me. One of the many thrills in a gun shop. George.