Socks and rocks


New member
I receive amusing stories and news articles from a relative in England. Here's one we gun-protectors can appreciate:

Precaution of the week - A 16-year old boy has admitted possessing a sock filled with stones as an offensive weapon. Magistrates in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, have ordered the destruction of the sock.

I went to the Yorkshire Post website, but couldn't do a search for the article. I replied to my relative, but haven't heard back from him on the date of the article.

I'm guessing another article will show up which will cover: The English, fearful of Scottish nationalism, have banned Argyle socks.
Some years ago the Fresno County, Calif. Probation Department found out what their youthful miscreants can do with a billiard ball dropped in their sock. They inflicted some nasty injuries on the counselors on their way out the door. The Probation Officer wisely decided afterwards to remove the billiard-pool tables from the juvenile center recreation room.
How does one de militarize a tube sock?

if you torch cut it up, some seamstress could buy it at a sock show and darn it back together

Ban the darning needles!!!
for the children

and what about those rocks?

i bought a ton of fist sized river rock last year at a Stone yard! Maybe i need an arsenal licence! Should we have background checks and waiting periods for Rock shows?
Its for the children!

I think socks should be legal! However, I'd ban the ones with flash suppressors and bayonet lugs just to be safe...
Sock buy-backs announced. Government mandates that only "open-toed" socks can be manufactured or imported. Gore emphasizes that hunters and sportsmen will not be affected.
We have to ban the high capacity socks and require people to wear those little short ones that just come up above your shoes.
We will also be banning the selling of socks in packs of more than one pair. Nobody needs to buy more than one pair of socks a day. There will also be a three day waiting period, to make sure that you have no previous sock-assaults.

....but seriously....
When I was younger my brother and I used to hit each other with our "sockies." They consisted of one tube sock balled up, and put in the toe of the other tube sock, then we would "do battle." These were endless fun, well endless for about a 2 weeks, you see, the weight of the sock in the swing, would stretch out the sock, and once it was longer that 3 feet, you couldn't get enough force in the swing to make it hit hard enough, so we have to get ANOTHER pair of socks. My mother of course didn't catch on to this game until laundry day when she found ALL of our sox had grown to over 3 feet. What excactly do you do with a 3 foot sock? You can't wear it...and they sure aren't any good for playing "sockie" any more. She was none to happy with us :D
Lets not forget the Pillow case and Soda can trick from "bad boys" just hurts to think about it. Kind of the Tac Nuke of socks and rocks.
Oh, no. I have a rock manufacturing plant behind my house. What if the ATS (Altruistic Tube Sock police) find out? I could go to jail for illegally manufacturing rocks. Oh no. Does anyone know a good Rock lawyer??? Help!!

Mandate sandals for all. Put an end to it before it becomes a problem. we can wear slippers in the winter.


You know, I thought this thread was going to be about fun plinking target. But I think that cat's name is spelled with an X.

[Kidding, folks! I... AM... ONLY... KIDDING...!]