Social Security [b]not[/b] voluntary?


New member
I just went to my local SSA office and tried to "opt-out," to get out of this silly system. The girl looked at me and asked for my number! Damn that all defining number! 9 stupid f'ing digits represent all that I am to my government! On top of it, she had no idea what I wanted, she assumed I meant I wanted a check or something. I said that I wanted out of the system, that I no longer wanted to participate in the system. And again, she had no idea what I meant. I further explained that it is a voluntary program and that I no longer wanted to do it.
She replied in damn annoying and prissy voice "No it's not, where did you hear that from?" I was so annoyed at her tone I wanted to slap her!
I tied to explain that to the best of my knowledge it is illegal to number the citizens of this country against their will. As a fool, she told me that they "enumerate" children at birth to save them the trouble later. I'm not a Rhodes Scholar, but I am sure that "enumerate" is the same thing as numbering. What the hell is going on? I am about to go ballistic here!
Pragmatically, SS is about as voluntary as breathing. Fighting The System is about as productive as whipping a dead horse, on this issue.

Face it: Convenience FOR systems of whatever sort is where our whole society is, today. I don't care if you're talking banks, insurance policies, stockbroker accounts, driver's licenses, whatever. Convenience for the user/customer/citizen is in last place.

Unless you want to take up a new career of lobbying Congress, and organizing a nation-wide protest group, or help coalesce those groups already "out there", you'd do well to just forget it.

I don't like it, either. On the bottom of my SS card, gotten in 1952, it sez, "FOR SOCIAL SECURITY PURPOSES NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION".

But I gotta flash it to get a driver's license renewal. The # is my security-check ID for MCI, and a couple of other accounts, for instance...

And now, if you have kids, THEY gotta have SS #s or you can't deduct the little grabbers.

My son's USAF Serial Number was his SS #. All new drivers' licenses in Texas now use the SS #.

As I say, The System doesn't give a flip about your druthers, only its own convenience.

And that's the way it is...

:), Art
and I forgot to mention that she said you need to be in the program to work.
Bah. I will fight the system. I will not go quietly to sleep while they steal thousands of dollars a year from me, that I could better manage for my own retirement funds.
as George's signature suggests:
I just got my Texas DL about 6 weeks ago and they are only allowed to request it for Child Support Enforcement System purposes. The number is NOT my SSN. As far as doctors and insurers go, not one of them has my SSN. They may have a number but it isn't my SSN and no two of them have the same number. Banks can have it, but you sure don't have to use a bank, I didn't until I decide to buy a house 4 years ago. It was fun explaining why I didn't have a bank account.
Friends, be very careful with your SSN. I was a victim of 'true identity fraud' a few years ago. Some low life got hold of my SSN and ran wild with my credit.

Unfortunately, 'for the children', our Congress saw fit to require SSN's in all kinds of new places. To catch 'deadbeat dad's' as I recall. However, always question if it is a legal requirement to provide the SSN, and then ask for a copy of the law or regulation. A number of businesses / agencies will try to snow you on this one.

Regards from AZ
What would happen if every one simply burned there SS Card, an deny the number?

Ironic, the accronym SS, isn't it?

Every chance you get - use a wrong SS #. Practice Civil Disobediance EVERY CHANCE YOU GET. Already I bet EVERY ONE knows your SS#. Even your Movie Rental shop I bet... if they dont have your SS# I bet they have your DL# if it isnt the same thing in your state... and that ties you to your SS#. Point - is that SS# are universal. The Number of the Beast. You need to kick the beast in the nuts at every chance you get... Just out of principle.

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Ghandi burned his card, and look what it started... But then again, he was willing to give up everything he had to gain everything he got...


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Reminds me of a line from a broadway musical:

"Who am I? 2-4-6-0-1!"

Les Miserables, Victor Hugo... Good book...
Interesting take on small scale rebellion.

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
I remember something about the Govt. going after the Amish. Seems they had never paid into SS. They felt that as they took care of each other, they did not need it.(SS) It went to Federal court, and of course, they lost.
This crap about deadbeat dads is crap. When I applied for hunting tags this year, I had to supply my SS #. Why? To see if I was a deadbeat dad. On an application for a deer tag? Looks like backdoor gun owner registration to me.
Rich is right about the mark of the beast. And the antichrist may be Slick Willie. How else could he get out of all the scrapes he's been in, literally uscathed. Sex scandel? No. he didn't have sex. Treason? in my opinion, most definitely. Murder? What about Vince Foster? Filegate? Oh hell! There's too many for me to remember them all.
My question is this. Why aren't the American sheeple as outraged about all this as I am?
Did anyone happen to see the Movie Caligula? You know where he bullies the Senate into believing he's a god? Then he baas like a sheep. Baaaaaa. Baaaaa. And the senate begins to baa along with him. Can't you hear the Senators and Congressmen. Baaaa. Baaaaaa. Oh hell. I'm sick to my stomach.
Paul B.
You gents may not know that railroad workers do not have to contribute to social security. They have their own retirement plan. How did this come about? From what I hear, at the time Social Security was being proposed, the railroad was all powerfull and thus got themselves an exemption. I wonder if the politicians gave themselves an exemption too. Would be interesting to find out and may give ammo to those seeking better alternatives to the present system by those really looking out for the American people. Why do I say that? Because the democrats are constantly looking for ways to increase the retirement age to 70 or 75. Why? Because odds are you will be dead before you ever collect. The LAST and FINAL screwing compliments of your government!! God! Don't you hate government?
It's even worse than that. If you happen to have anything of value, then they tax that when you die!
A lot of widows end up in trouble because hubby made his estate his beneficiary (of his life insurance) instead of his wife. Life insurance proceeds then are not taxable to the estate, but his estate would then be taxable when it goes to his wife or kids.
Paul, in my experience, people don't care about SSN fraud or the onerous requirements to supply these numbers until they are personally bitten by fraud. With luck, the bad experience of a friend can convince them as well.

Otherwise, they regard those of us who are concerned as being 'paranoid'. We regard them as naive at best ...