Sobran: How Tyranny Came To America


Staff Alumnus

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Now of course nobody in American politics, not even the most fanatical liberal, will admit openly that he doesn’t care what the Constitution says and isn’t going to let it interfere with his agenda. Everyone professes to respect it — even the Supreme Court. That’s the problem. The U.S. Constitution serves the same function as the British royal family: it offers a comforting symbol of tradition and continuity, thereby masking a radical change in the actual system of power.

Compromise: opting to be sodomized with a 36"
Black Mamba wrapped in 200-grit sandpaper instead
of 100-grit.
Coinneach, you found that about the same time I did. This guy is good. Intelligent and well-spoken. Where has he been hiding!?
One difference between the Constitution and British Royalty-

The Constitution is still relevant in modern times, and has power as long as "We the People" remember it, abide by it, and make our elected officals do the same.

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!

A firearm isn't a weapon until it is used as such.

[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited August 24, 1999).]

Well said.


But can we expect the cat to stop hunting mice?
Can we expect the usurpers to stop usurping?

Our current government is made up of people totally ignorant of our Constitution. Blissfully ignorant of any ties that bind them to Constitutional Law, they already have established a tyranny above and beyond redemption.

These usurpers will not stop increasing their tyranny over us any more than cats will stop hunting mice.

We must replace the usurpers with those who will at least stop the advance of tyranny, who will at best re-empower Constitutional Law in America.

This will be difficult. The usurpers are united against us. But when will it become less difficult? When we have lost our Right to Keep and Bear Arms? When the media is totally taken over by our government? When we are not safe in our own homes from the "enforcers" of government treachery? When we dare not speak out against our government on the internet for fear of investigation and reprisals?

I say no. I say the longer we wait the harder the task will become.

If we do not vote the current rascals out of office now, right now, it might not be possible in the future.

Vote - for a change.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 24, 1999).]
These usurpers will not stop increasing their tyranny over us any more than cats will stop hunting mice.

Interesting point. My cats don't hunt mice, or anything else. Why not? I don't let them go out, that's why not. If I did, they probably would (well, probably not Bonnie-the-Persian, who would just lie on the porch and accept praise from passersby ;) ), but I don't let them, so they can't.

Hmmm. I feel a parable coming on...

We need to put the critters in Washington back in their cages, and let them know who their masters are.

Compromise: opting to be sodomized with a 36"
Black Mamba wrapped in 200-grit sandpaper instead
of 100-grit.
If your cat does not hunt mice it is because it no longer acts like a cat.
1) It is prevented from hunting mice,
2) It is physically unable to hunt mice,
3) It's a deviate cat who won't hunt mice, or
4) There are no more mice!

Coinneach, you are bigger and more powerful than your cat. You can inflict your will upon the less powerful. But you can not control all cats or stop most of them from hunting mice.

Our government is bigger and more powerful than we are as individuals. You can not control our government.

I no longer believe all of us who are willing to try to control our government can do so. They have gradually usurped a lot of power. They will continue to usurp power so long as they are in office - they will not stop.

They must be replaced by a government we can restrain in the box of Constitutional Law.

Vote - for a change!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 24, 1999).]
Dennis, have you been reading Patrick Henry again? ... Your one post has many parallels to the "Liberty or Death" Speech :)

[This message has been edited by TR (edited August 24, 1999).]
Dang. Reading it again I see what you mean. Could be... The situation during his time is very similar to the present. But it's more a subconscious realization that our time is running out. We keep investing in a broken machine that doesn't fit our manual.

Time to get a machine that works by the book.

By the way, if I were ever elevated high enough to be thrown in with the likes of Patrick Henry, I would consider that the greatest single accomplishment of my entire lifetime. I'd be the proudest American you ever met.

But I could never pretend to achieve such greatness. Worse, as I look around at the power-hungry parasites we have for "leaders", I see no Jeffersons, Madisons, Washingtons, Adams, Franklin, etc. etc.

I see angry people. I see Tories. But in our government today, integrity and honor are mostly catch-words used by treacherous, greedy people, smirking at how they have bamboozled America out of her birthright.

And we blindly vote for those who would enslave us. Again and again.

It's a watered-down version of the Jews at Auschwitz, blindly hoping that by docilely following the guards' commands, no harm will come to them or their loved ones.
Your post brings up another point, Dennis--the current generations' general inattentiveness to the wisdom of our founding fathers.

It kind of reminds me of a story out of one of the books of the Kings in the Old Testament. I think it was Rehoboam who, when faced with a decision on how to run his kingdom, opted to listen to the advice of his own peers rather than heed the wisdom of his elder folk. That was one of the reasons his reign is remembered as one of the more wicked ones.

That is what I ask myself whenever I see these anti-Constitutional types attack a certain Amendment in the Bill of Rights (not just the 2nd, either)--"Don't they know the Fathers put that there for good reason?"

There has been hardly a man in office in these past 30 years, IMHAUO, who meets the level of character found in fellas like Patrick Henry or Samuel Adams. Some might have approached it a little. But none, I believe, have the substance enough to rightly think their agendas are better than what was laid down in the Constitution.

Just my DM 0,04 (taking into account current exchange rates)

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Time to lock and load, gentlemen...

Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up... Yankee Doodle
You and me both Dennis. I have the heart, the love for this once great land, I lack that certain eloquence.

I, too, have looked for someone, in this time of peril to rise up and lead. And I do mean lead, not simply muddle thier way through a term or two in office, yet this nation is sorely lacking. I fear that this is the outcome of out great social experiment of the last 50 years.

With the intrusive eye of the press, which seems to know no bounds in it's depravity of reporting every sordid fact of a candidates life, it is becoming more and more difficult for candidates of genuine worth to come to the fore and participate in the political process.

This, along with the fact that being a "politician" ranks right up there with being a used car salesman (not to insult any of you that are) tends to discourage those that might bring real leadership from even being willing to try thier hand.
I just thought I'd put out a couple of thoughts that have been rattling around in my head. We learned from dealing with Hitler that appeasement doesn't work. When faced with an opponent who wants to take what you have, giving him part of what he wants will not cause him to go away no matter how much he says it will. There is a lesson here for the 2nd Ammendment fight.

The other thing that's been bothering me is the old devide and conquer theory. Both the Democrats and the Republicans will lead us down the same road if we let them. The Republicans will just take a bit longer to do it. Most people here seem to know this. The problem though, is that we are too afraid to vote for anyone else. We are so concerned with the images that the media feeds us that we ignore what we already know: neither choice is acceptable. I say forget quibbling over the minutiae of how and when we lose our freedoms and vote for someone who will put government back in its cage where it belongs. Lets find a way to get a Libertarian or a Reform Party candidate on the ballot so there will be some element of choice involved. As far as I'm concerned, both of the "mainstream" parties have grown way too big for their britches. Let's cut 'em down to size at the ballot box before it really is too late. Sorry for the campaign speech. I couldn't help myself.