So, who will we vote for?


New member
Who is are candidate for president next year?
I want to vote for the person who supports the 2nd ammendment and has the best chance of wining.
We don't need another Perot because he actually helped Clinton get elected. Everyone I know who voted for Perot would have voted for Bush. In the end we got Clinton and no matter what anyone thinks about Bush, he was worlds better than Clinton.
Right now the new Bush seems to be the one. I've been reading his speeches and he looks and smells good. Time will tell.
What do you think?

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
We'll have to see after the dust has settled through the primaries. Up to that point my support goes to Smith and I hope that most gun owners will agree. Although Bush sounds fair, I still don't trush him. His stance on the 2nd has been a little shakey. Whereas Smith has a long history of total support. If it did come done to Bush or someone else, I will have to look at the someone else to see their position. We need to find someone with a strong stance on the whole constitution with an emphasis on the 2nd.

Is there a website for Smith? I would like to read up on him. Hadn't heard about him yet.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
I e-mailed Smith yesterday offering to be a campaign volunteer. I will be moving to NH next month and it might be some fun. There are a few issues the good Senator and I disagree upon, but that is good. The only person who could share all of my political viewpoints would be me, and I wouldn't vote for me. ;)

To be or not to be-that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
I live in Texas and Bush has been a good governor. Although he has made a few "shakey" statement on guns control his HISTORY OF ACTIONS in Texas have always been very pro-gun - or more directly pro-personal responsibility.

His general philosophy on public policy is that good public policy should not degrade the rights and freedoms of law-abiding citizens - the law-breakers are the ones who should be held responsible.

A question for all of you - Do you guys REALLY think ANY person can possibly be elected that is "rock solid" pro gun - the type to, say, attempt to repeal the 94 ban - to RETURN some of our lost rights?

I wish it could happen but I don't think it's possible...

We are the minority my friends.

Join NRA, GOA and vote!
Actually we are the majority. It's just that some of refuse to speak up. The crowd that lets the media tell them who to vote for are the one's who out vote us. We need a revival of proactive citizenship. We've seen what happens when we let the politicians run things for us.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
We won't get a President who will support our RKBA. It won't happen because we vote against our RKBA to support or defeat some other notion (e.g. abortion, flag-burning, etc.).

If 80 million voters all voted for the party who most supports our RKBA, the Republocrats would have to change or die as a political party.