so what happens when....


New member
So what happens when,after you make out your pistol the fee get fingerprinted and photos attached and for ...whatever the reason
you get turned down...what happens to all the info you gave them ??is it returned??can you get your prints back ??your photos ??your money ?? where does all that info go . Are you now on a rap sheet ,even if you didnt do anything ?? Is it saved for some future time if you move to another stste ?? where does it all go ?? Does anyone have a clue ??:mad:
Well first off, it matters what they turned you down for, they have to tell you that. Everything you filled out and did, like prints, goes into their database, the forms into a file that goes into a huge archive. From my state its an expense that doesn't get refunded, they processed the application, that's what the fee was for. It stinks I know but check what your state policy is on this.
RE : ar15

One of the guys at the club told me today ,that in fridays mail he got a denial for his permit app. he said when he was young he was in a stolen car with some others ,arrested ,but the judge let him off on his own recogniscense (sp),on time served no fine ,just a warning not to get caught again ,that was 40 plus years ago.hes a stand up good guy who made a bad judgement a long time ago...seems unfair to me ,maybe he should get a lawyer and re apply ?