So what do Video games and guns have in common


New member
What do firearms and video games have in common? Legislation being passed which tries to defeat a fundamental right that is laid out in out constitution. if you dont mind a little reading (I will keep it brief) I will help bring some attention to an issue which may play a major part in the heller decision

I was just going through my gaming magazine and stumbled onto a article about a piece legislation that the state of California is trying to save that was ruled to be unconstitutional by the 9th circuit. The legislation in question was push through in 2005 and it is echoing of the early 90's but this the battleground involved computer chips instead of firing pins, a battle over how much the Government can restrict your fundamental rights.

the details on this legislation are best set in the below quote from
Game informer's site

The law would prohibit the sale of violent video games to minors, but apart from the free speech angle, it would also levy fines to offending retailers and the use of a government-mandated rating system – even though the video game trade association the ESA already has ESRB ratings.

The law tries to set the blame of the violence and aggression of a a small part of the youth upon a inanimate object rather than placing the blame where it belongs, upon the shoulders of the people and the failing system they orchestrate. This may sound familiar to those who lived through the Clinton administration in the 1990's were "assault weapons" were the cause of the bloodlust and mass death in the streets.

Now you understand what these two topics have in common but are still curious as to how they affect one another in today's world. You see the legislation that was passed in California was ruled unconstitutional by the Court of Appeals much like the Heller (I believe) and McDonald (different circuit). And I am no expert but I can add up one heck of a backlash to the current second amendment cases if California is able to maintain the legislation.

So even though this may seem as irrelevant to you as a gun owner but remember that many hunters thought the legislation in England and America were irrelevant and would not effect their past times but, as proved time and time again that is not such. Any and all pieces of legislation carry with them after-effects that could easily come to light on a case that seems un related in any way.

[EDIT]It is 1Am and I need to be up for work in four hours so I will do the minor editing later [EDIT]
This law failed quite frankly and is pretty old news.

Retailers and game makers VOLUNTARILY adopted a rating system back in the 90's/early 2000ish back when they were trying to pass this law. It was a rather brilliant move that pulled the law makers teeth. They expected the game makers and retailers to throw a fit, and they did briefly. Then they pulled a 180 and did it voluntarily. None of the game stores near me will sell M rated games to minors under 16 without a parent.
This is a topic that kind of irks me. Will a violent game with guns influence an impressionable kid? Absolutely, but no more than a violent movie with guns. Games are rated for content the same as movies but nobody is trying to have Martin Scorcese's movies outlawed. So why are they doing that with games? Because games are "for kids". I'm 31 and have played video games my whole life. They didn't have games like Grand Theft Auto when I was a kid. You know why? The same reason I didn't watch X rated movies as a kid. People my age grew up and became mature enough for these types of games. The same way we watch different tv then we did as children. If you have an immature kid not responsible enough to play a shooter game, he probably shouldn't watch action movies either. Parents need to pay attention to what their kids play and watch and leave the entertainment alone. I like it! It's all the big excuse thing though. Parents will look to blame anyone else before accepting that they're responsible for what their kids do.
I guess if someone breaks into your house you could bore them to death talking about your favorite video game.
Retailers and game makers VOLUNTARILY adopted a rating system back in the 90's/early 2000ish back when they were trying to pass this law. It was a rather brilliant move that pulled the law makers teeth.
Actually, the move was expected, and it played right into regulators' hands. The same tactic has been used before.

In 1954, the comics industry voluntarily adopted the Comics Code to head off possible censorship from legislators.

In 1985, the music industry adopted the "Parental Advisory" stickers for records with questionable language following some very ominous (and questionably legal) Congressional hearings.

In 2000, S&W signed an agreement with the Clinton administration, promising modifications to designs and their marketing. The purpose? To avoid lawsuits.

So, there is some commonality.