So they don't have fur.....still hunting in my book!


New member
Not a lot of story to this one other than the 2 hours it took me and Yul to figure out how to get his big ugly butt into the boat!! And should I mention it was raining and lightening by the time we started the run to the ramp.

Measured a little over 13 feet.........well north of 650 pounds, most likely over 700.

The things I hunt don't bite, that critter looks like it could cause someone to have a very bad day indeed. I'd call it hunting, different than things with fur but hunting nonetheless.

Great pictures by the way.
I feel that anything that can hunt you can be hunted by you. Or is it bayou ;)

I also happen to believe that if it bleeds it can be killed, if it can be killed, it can be hunted :D

I'd have that sucker stuffed and drag it out on my front lawn every night after dark. But that's just me.

That's a lot of alligator skin holsters, shoes and belts you got there! :p

There's still some story to tell. What did you clobber him with? Effective right away or did he object? :eek:
Buzzcock: Good!! The bank and the government will appreciate the extra cash!

As for the woman........she's a little mean and short tempered but after 33 years I've decided to keep her.
That is awesome! I was curious about the taped snout. Is that just a precaution in case he's not as dead as you hoped, or do they pose a bite threat like snapping turtles, for some time after after they're "dead"?
Cautious old man my body parts to function and to all be we tape.......even if we are "sure" he is dead......somewhat the same as how we all treat guns, or at lest should treat guns.

And yes, he is dead in the pictures. Bangstick ( .357 ) to the base of the skull is humane and quick.
curious about the taped snout

Any reptile can bite after death, even after the head is cut off.

We do snppers a lot, usually take a tire iron and put it thru the lower jaw into the ground, cut off the head and leave it there for a few days. Then he knife goes between the shell and you open it up flip lower shell over an salt the whole inside real well watch teh hurdy gurdy start :) then you butcher.

My first wife was canuck, (French Indian) she could walk on her hands a mile or more, she could walk right up them stairs on her hands. She fished and hunted with me until cancer took her age 31.

Give her a hug and let her know how much it means to ya to have her there.
Aww. He's so cute!! Do they make good pets? He looks like he could keep the neighbor's cat out of the planters!;)

Anything that can make dinner out of you is fair game for hunting. Fire up the grill!