So now its “widespread civil violence”


New member
It appears that Bernd Debusmann ( ) is back; and this time he wonders whether the uptick in firearms sales is a precursor to civil unrest -- while leaving doubt as to exactly where he stands.


March 19th, 2009

In American crisis, anger and guns

By: Bernd Debusmann

– Bernd Debusmann is a Reuters columnist. The opinions expressed are his own. —

In the first two months of this year, around 2.5 million Americans bought guns, a 26 percent increase over the same period in 2008. It was great news for gun makers and a sign of a dark mood in the country.

Gun sales shot up almost immediately after Barack Obama won the U.S. presidential elections on November 4 and firearm enthusiasts rushed to stores, fearing he would tighten gun controls despite campaign pledges to the contrary.

After the November spike, gun dealers say, a second motive has helped drive sales: fear of social unrest as the ailing economy pushes the newly destitute deeper into misery. Many of the newly poor come from the relentlessly rising ranks of the unemployed. In February alone, an average of 23,000 people a day lost their jobs.


“What is really remarkable about all this is that there hasn’t been social unrest,” remarked an executive with business interests in Latin American countries where riots and street demonstrations in response to economic squeezes are routine. “The conditions for it are all there.”

You can contact the author at

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Why should anyone care what he thinks one way or another? He's a journalist. The criteria for becoming a journalist is even less stringent than that required to become a garbageman.
There are no statistics on how many guns are bought by people who think they need them to defend themselves against desperate fellow citizens

Nope they only track those who buy guns to defend themselves from the government
Meh. Inane ramblings from the infirm mind of an AP columnist. Not even a reporter... a columnist.

I fail to see how this has anything to do with Law or Civil Rights. Shall we start linking the front page of the Brady Bunch every day, next?
This is an interesting topic, but it's liable to get shut down pretty fast unless someone makes a connection to "law" and/or "civil rights"...
This was an interesting article though I wonder about copyright issues in its posting here. My take is that the reason for the rising rate of guy purchases comes for the same reason that precious metals sales have shot through the roof and exchange traded funds like GLD and SLV have had such solid growth. People are looking to invest in something which will be worth more next year than it is this year.

Concerning joblessness, all across the south people have been losing jobs for nearly 30 years in large part because the government has given tax preference to companies which move their production overseas. This is just another downturn in a long series and it won't stop until that inequity is abolished. They could do a lot more to reduce taxes on domestic production.
The article was given full attribution with an accompanying link. This satisfies Fair Use. The use was also not of a commercial nature and was for educational purposes.

By trying to link firearms to a possible usage of same for domestic unrest, or the use of same against domestic unrest, is the issue.

Yes, the Constitution and Bill of Rights were written with an eye towards the possible use of firearms against a tyrannical government. The article calls to question as to whether that time is nigh.

The first part of the article touts the widespread purchasing phenomenon after Obama's election; and the second part attempts to tie the widespread anger over the current policies to that phenomenon.

The end game is clear as the writer obviously believes that there are too many firearms out there -- with more being purchased every day. This flies in the face of his previous rant to the contrary (LINK).

As these types of "observations" and calls for tighter controls increase, it surely will have an effect on our civil rights. I didn't think it would be necessary to point that out when I posted the thread.
“What is really remarkable about all this is that there hasn’t been social unrest,” remarked an executive with business interests in Latin American countries where riots and street demonstrations in response to economic squeezes are routine. “The conditions for it are all there

Thats 'cuz everyone has guns :)

WildshootbackAlaska ™
....firearms to a possible usage of same for domestic unrest, or the use of same against domestic unrest, is the issue.

very good, valid, question. I know many people who expect race wars, socialism, and civil war to happen in the near future.

These are the people who are buying FOR civil unrest. They are not planning on starting it, but they won't be left behind either.

Don't kid yourself, the increase, at least partially is because of people preparing FOR civil unrest....
My take is that the reason for the rising rate of guy purchases comes for the same reason that precious metals sales have shot through the roof and exchange traded funds like GLD and SLV have had such solid growth. People are looking to invest in something which will be worth more next year than it is this year.

Bingo. Investment income is going into guns, not the market

I got guys coming in making multi thousand dollar cash deals for guns, and these arent end of the world types. These guys are savvy buyers.

WildgreatreturnsAlaska TM
I got guys coming in making multi thousand dollar cash deals for guns, and these arent end of the world types. These guys are savvy buyers.

Engaging in the business of dealing firearms without an FFL.

I'm waiting for F-troop to start chasing down gun speculators at some point here. The time is ripe for it.


PS: I still fail to see how a whiney statist lib op-ed article has relevance to Law and Civil Rights. This article makes a very tenuous attempt to link disappearance of investment capital to the increase in firearms sales, then layers a healthy smearing of guilt-sauce on top to aid the indegestion. Doesn't propose any new laws or regulations.

We can sit here and BS or theorize this exact same topic with the same amount of validity as this article has, and it will get locked in the General Discussion forum.

Since when does TFL consider an op-ed piece with no concrete cited references to have greater credence than that of the musings of its own user base?

After all, this article is a thinly veiled "I'm getting a gun for SHTF" type of rant.
Recycled crap.

I remember people worrying about this during the 1970s and early 1980s when the economy was so bad and we were actually having gas shortages.

It didn't come true then, and it's not going to come true now.

Just another attempt by those who hate/fear guns to get their digs in. Repeat the lie often enough, and someone will begin to believe it even when there's no evidence to support it.
While this may not contribute to L and CR - I would think a upswing in sales of horse drawn carts and guillotines might predict the oncoming revolution against the AIG and related royalty class. Demonstrations have occurred outside gated communities and death threats have been received by CEOs.

Time to see if the women can knit kevlar as they watch the Terror.
Glenn E. Meyer said:
Time to see if the women can knit kevlar as they watch the Terror.
Hah! You think we'll be watching??

And doesn't it, anyway, take a manly man to knit Kevlar? ;)

And just to get in before the lock... I do see a connection between this thread and some of the concerns raised in the "Army in Alabama" thread. The column in the OP is exactly the kind of fear-mongering which can be used very effectively to scare people into accepting the notion that only the military can protect them from the coming "violent civil disorders," so it would be a good idea to get them onto the streets now.

There's yer blinkin' connection to civil rights... :D
And doesn't it, anyway, take a manly man to knit Kevlar?
This is OT, but a long while ago, I designed the controls for a machine that was part of a factory that wove Kevlar into fabric. It was a pretty cool factory.

As for the article, just more nonsense from clueless "journalists". There will be riots here and there, as there have been for as long as there has been a USA. No general widespread breakdown in law and order is likely, short of some cataclysmic event.
this thread is on topic and does apply to civil rights

this thread is on topic and does apply to civil rights because today on the news Hilliry Clinton who is the new secretary of state said us Americans were responsible for all the problems in mexico recently. She said we are suppying the guns and buying their drugs.We all know its only a matter of time before legislation is proposed to permanently ban assualt rifle sales to protect our great law abiding neighbors to the south!But I guess when the new legislation is passed it will be on topic and we can start a new thread on it that doesnt get closed.These journalists also see a real opportunity to help the current govt disarm us.U know 50 yrs ago hillary would have been hammered by the press for the statements she made today.