So long Spyderman...

John Overbey

New member
Those of you who have been watching this forum may recognize the 'name' Spyderman. Recently, I made the decision to get active in the political arena in my home town of Sacramento, CA, with the intention of running for an elected office. Your response was very encouraging, and appreciated. After a couple of recommendations from some of you, and some thought on my part, I've decided to stop using "Spyderman" and begin using my real name. As one TFL'er pointed out, anything I say or do may be looked at quite carefully in the future, and posting "annonymously" or under what could be considered a "comic" name, could be detrimental. To give some explaination, may help explain my original user name selection, but in the future, I will be using only my real name.
As far as "Spyderman" goes, I have used the nickname Spyder for several years. It goes back to a TV show in the early 80's (I'm only 25 right now) that had a blonde haired smart-aleck that was constantly "bitting off more than he could chew". It stuck. When the internet began to get popular and I signed up for service, I wanted a good "screen name", but the advice at the time was to release as little information as possible on-line to avoid fraud and various other problems, so using my real name wasn't an option. Since then, I've been using the name Spyder (in one form or another) for everything I do on-line to avoid confusion. Unfortunately, that name was already taken here on TFL, so I added the "man" to it.
I don't regret anything I've posted, and stand behind every word I've said, as it is the truth, and truly reflect my opinions as well as my sense of humor. By making this change, I am hoping to eliminate some confusion, as well as begin to build recognition for my name. This way, hopefully when you see my name on a ballot, you'll recognize me as someone who is an honest, straight-shooting defender of the constitution and the rights of the people.
Sorry to take up so much of you time, but I thought this needed to be said. Thank you.
-John Overbey
Good luck John. I have been there and done that. It's a hard row to hoe! The sheep will drive you crazy.
Best of luck.
John O.,

Good show! Looks like you are saying "Here I am and here's what I stand for!"

JHS has a point about the sheep driving you crazy - so be ready to "stick it to 'em" by getting their vote, dividing their vote, or making their vote of little note! Drive THEM nuts for a change!

Wish you the best!
John, are you the same one who posted at as Choptop? That person was also going to run for office in Sacramento. Just curious. I don't live in Sac but live far up the hill near Sportsmans Hall. If I can lend any support please contact me. I work with a number of good people who do live in Sac.

Thanks again for you support and encouragement. As for "Choptop", no, it's not me. It is good to hear that others have gotten fed up with the way others are destroying OUR country though. Today is a good day, I'm still smiling after reading the post about Davis and Lockyer "forgetting" to file their oaths. We're overdue for some major changes. Thanks again.
Well done, sir!

Like I said in the thread you posted when you began talking about this, please feel free to contact me if I can do anything or provide any advice.

I've served on a number of political committees, and did an 18-month stint as the chairman of my city's GOP committee. I've also worked on grassroots organizing for a number of campaigns at the local, state, and federal level.

Get your "inner circle" together ASAP, and start toughening up your hide. Like I said before, they will come after you with anything they think will make someone not vote for you, up to and including outright lies. Stay on the high road.

It CAN be done!