So is the magic over?

So is the magic over?

  • Yup; it’s over.

    Votes: 31 47.0%
  • Yeah, but we’ll get it back in a few years.

    Votes: 16 24.2%
  • What? We’ve lost nothing!

    Votes: 19 28.8%

  • Total voters
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New member
Does our country’s “battered image and standing overseas”, along with being bogged down in an expensive ground war, the economy in a tailspin, plus the prospect of even more massive future spending on the assimilation of illegal immigrants, socialized healthcare, social security, in addition to stiff competition in the “global economy”, really mean the magic is over?

One of our French friends seems to thinks so.

What do you think?
Wonder what their reaction would be if the US stopped all the magic foreign aid? :eek:

And by the way, thanks ahelluva lot for all your help in Iraq!!!!

Buncha sheet-waving, bed-wetting wimps.
With the Dollar sliding in comparison to the Euro all of Europe will be seeing a lot less of our smiling faces. Although there are places I like to see in Germany I think I'll see if my dollar is better spent in other countries.

Maybe the Chinese / Middle East will be able to pick up the tourist slack to Europe but for now I think I keep my $$ in the US for awhile.
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With the Dollar sliding in comparison to the Euro all of Europe will be seeing a lot less of our smiling faces.

I actually think this is the main issue. In past years we have suffered economic down turns and diplomatic embarrassments. And even the Vietnam war. But never have we had the dollar decline as it is now. I use to travel a lot in Europe, and until recent years you could use dollars (if needed) without even having exchanged for the local currency. Now, they simple don't want dollars. This is the real measure of our world standing. And this is not about being able to take European vacations, this is about the measure of decline of our Country.

The magic is over.
Well at least until the baby boomer generation cedes power to mine, yeah.

Good luck. I am pre-baby boomer. Yeah I am that old. And ceding to the baby boomer's hasn't worked out.
Bernard Kouchner can kiss my American tail. Yes, we're facing tough times. But it there was never any "magic", what made the America great will pull us out of our problems. Free people and free markets will always prevail.
Everyday we vote with our dollars for the new world power. The Chinese. We have gotten too damn lazy to work in this country. We want car parts, electronics etc. Call the Chinese. Cheap labor to build our slammed together new houses? Get some Mexicans. New shirts or cheap furniture. Call Vietnam. I won't buy anything not made in US anymore unless I have to have it. Read the labels folks before it's too late. I went to buy some good ol Cooper tires for my truck. Tiny little print says Made In China. I had them take em back off and put US Made tires on. There may still be time to change things but I doubt it.:(
But never have we had the dollar decline as it is now.

And so it goes. As our exports rise due to the cheap dollar, coupled with the foreign investment and tourism the economy will rise again.

What do you think?

The French haven't mattered since Wellington beat up on Nappy.

Wild200yearsagoAlaska TM
Back in the early 80's the pundits were all going on about Japan Inc. and how America had inevitably lost it's place as the world's foremost economy, how we had to become more like the Japanese, blah, blah, blah...

Then the Tokyo real estate bubble burst, Japan's economy tanked, and it hasn't ever really recovered. They have very low growth, investment, etc.

America is now facing a similar real-estate bubble collapse. The difference is, we have an entrepreneurial economy designed to adapt and recover from these problems.

And we will.
The French:

The French were right about Iraq.


Withmore than 1000 French troops on the ground and roughly 1500 airmen and sailors, France is actively involved in Afghanistan and is one of the major partners of the United States in that country. French contributions include troops deployed to the International Security Assistance Force (RCC Kabul; 1000 soldiers), training of the Afghan National Army (50 trainers), at sea (a CVN with 26 fighters Rafale and Super-Etendard, 2 Hawkeye aircraft , a frigate and a Maritime Patrol Aircraft), and in the air (6 fighters, 3 tankers, 2 transport aircraft, and 2 CSAR helicopters). Periodically, French fighter aircraft offer close air support to ISAF and OEF ground troops.

In the wake of the 9/11 tragedy, France offered its military resources and capabilities to support the American-led military campaign, Operation Enduring Freedom, in Afghanistan.

Air Force: Since October 21, 2001, French reconnaissance aircraft and air tankers have contributed to the air campaign over Afghanistan. In 2001, France was the only country, along with the United States, to have flown bombing missions over Afghanistan in direct support of American ground troops, in particular during Operation Anaconda.

France has now 3 Mirage 2000D fighter aircraft and 3 Rafale F2 fighter aircraft in Dushambe (Tajikistan), 3 C-135 tanker and 2 C-160 Transall transport aircraft in Manas (Kyrgystan), 2 EC-725 Caracal CSAR helicopters in Kabul.

France is also playing a significant role in training the Afghan national army with 50 special operation trainers , alongside the U.S. and the United Kingdom, having initially trained 3 Afghan battalions of 500 men each and being presently involved in the training of all Afghan officers.

Indian Ocean: CVN Charles de Gaulle carrier battle group has temporary been deployed in international waters off Pakistan, in support of ISAF and OEF in neighboring Afghanistan. Referred to as Task Force 473 ,from March to April 2007.

They did support the US in the war on terror.

Oh and there's this.
On 11 March 2003, Representatives Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio) and Walter B. Jones, Jr. (R-North Carolina) declared that all references to French fries and French toast on the menus of the restaurants and snack bars run by the House of Representatives would be removed. House cafeterias were ordered to rename French fries "freedom fries". This action was carried out without a congressional vote, under the authority of Ney's position as Chairman of the Committee on House Administration, which oversees restaurant operations for the chamber. The simultaneous renaming of French toast to "freedom toast" attracted less attention[2].
Ney resigned from the House of Representatives on November 3, 2006. He was sentenced to thirty months in prison.
Jones was initially a strong supporter of the conflict in Iraq. More recently, however, Jones called on President George W. Bush to apologize for misinforming Congress to win authorization for the war. Jones said, "If I had known then what I know today, I wouldn't have voted for that resolution.

When making fun of "Old Europe" consider the company you keep.
When making fun of "Old Europe" consider the company you keep.

I for one have been making fun of France since I was old enough to understand how the world in 6th grade ;)

These neofrenchhaters are wanna bees :) :D I used to have a dart board with Chucky DeGaulle on it:eek:

WilditsmygodgivenrighttohatethefrenchAlaska TM
Maybe the Chinese / Middle East will be able to pick up the tourist slack but for now I think I keep my $$ in the US for awhile.

I'd stay out of the Middle East if I was you.

I went to Oman as a kid. Awesome place. The tomb of Job, Mary's hometown, and really great deals on perfume for my mom (I was eleven.) plus the beauty of the place really got to me. Don't be scared... that's what the terrorists want. Use your head, travel in groups, stay in a reputable hotel and you'll be fine.

As for "the magic being over..." I think the French writer stopped over in Amsterdam and was eating the "special brownies."
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