So if the SCOTUS goes wild on the 2nd - who is it good for?

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I was thinking about this reading all the commentary on the upcoming decision which seems to come out before the election.

If it goes negative for the RKBA, then the GOP might benefit as McCain (probably) would declare that he would defend gun rights legislatively. All the gun partisans might be more motivated to vote, even if they don't like him.

However, if the SCOTUS gives some definitive progun interpretation that would weaken existing gun laws (not just a local DC fix) - would the GOP base that didn't like McCain, stay home a touch. Given guns are constitutionally protected and that has been officially stated - why vote for the GOP? If you were a gun partisan but not in synch with the GOP, you might hold your nose and vote for them as guns are an important issue. But with that gone - might you give your vote elsewhere as the GOP isn't attractive to you?

Just some ideal unintended consequences thoughts.:confused:
Our firearms have always been constitutionally protected. It just hasn't mattered worth a damn that they are to both parties of late. To hear from either that the Constitution is a rulebook that they abide by and pledge themselves to act within restraint of principles and stand firmly against all encroachments is utterly laughable to me. About the only snippets they seem to have made any evident respect for are the "necessary and proper" clause, "power to regulate interstate commerce", and "to tax income from any source whatsoever."
Glenn, good point.

I have a strong dislike for the Democrats and their principles.

On the other hand, I have really no great love for the Republicans, either. I am areligious, and can't stand the religious stance of the Republican party. (I personally feel that religion is a detrimental force upon humanity.)

If the 2nd Amendment RKBA were bolstered by the SCOTUS, I would feel at liberty to vote... Libertarian! :D
Religion has positives as well as negatives, and is worthy of its own thread.
Lets not hijack this one.

I personally have a high dislike of politics.
It is supposed to be a Representative Government.

The Second Amendment gives us the right to bear arms.
It doesn't say "firearms".
A firearm is a tool, just as is any other tool used to arm yourself.
The fact that our government has singled out these tools as illegal just proves that our government refuses to follow its own founding declarations.
Meaning, to me, that our government does not represent us, but dictates to us.

Any weapon ban is a breach of my rights.
A weapon being defined as: a tool used to aid in a fight, aka arm oneself.
It is a law that removes a tool from my hands, so that I may not arm myself with it, or defend myself with it.

The fact that this is the debate, and those are our only choices for our government, just proves my point.
We have lost our Right as U.S. citizens.
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Screw the political parties...

Both idiot parties can burn for all I care. They have both systematically continued to destroy this country's very foundations over time. By picking and choosing one amendment being more important than the other, they have force people over time to give up more and more of their rights as free people. Regardless of outcome, I will not vote for someone based on political party, I will vote on the actual issues they stand for. Regardless of this ruling, better stock up on guns and ammo people, if the democrats take over this election things might get tough for our second amendment rights.
