So I have the chance to go for hogs with my bow


New member
Well long story short my boss decides that since we both hunt we should go get some hogs. My question is this. Is a bow a viable option? I'm using a hoyt charger with montec g5's. Bringing my .357 just in case. Any feedback is appreciated.
Lots of us kill hogs with bows. Just remember that the vitals on a hog are lower and more forward than they are on a deer.
+1 to Doyle. Never passed up a bow season before I joined shooting a Jennings Carbon Extreme (I miss that bow), XX78s, and Thunderhead 125s. That was 20 years ago. With improvements in bow, arrow, and broad head technology, I wouldn't hesitate to do it again today with my current archery gear (which has only seen deer).
No reason why not as long as you exercise restraint, and wait for the proper shot On big hogs that's gonna be a rear quartering shot. If you can put the arrow in low behind the pocket, aiming for the off shoulder you will be eating pork before you know it. Make sure your broadheads are SHARP! Montecs are great but I've heard they can almost always use some touch up on a sharpening stone.