So I did this trade...


New member
I went out to the swap meet today with the intent of selling a supernumerary Bushmaster that I had taken in trade. I have my eye on a really nice heavy barreled 25-06 over at the local gun store, and wanted to cash them out on it.

To make a very long and convoluted set of trades, deals, and other shenanigans short:
After trading into and out of some handguns, a gen-set welder, and some tools, I ended up with a brand new Ruger #1 Tropical in .458 Win Mag, some ammo, a new SCUBA tank with regulator and some "extra" cash.
I am still not sure as to how this all happened, but hey, now I have an Elephant gun.
Too bad we are short on Elephants here this season...

I think I want to rechamber it in either .460 G&A or .460 Weatherby. Might as well go all the way now.
Please see my thread on that topic and give me your suggestions.

Now, how the heck do I get my hands on that 25-06? :D
Well, I'd try shooting it first. Off hand, there doesn't seem to be any practical reason to go to a faster cartridge, and the money not spent would go a ways to buying the 25/06.
Mad Dog, remind me to take you with me to the next gun show. I need some help with my trading skills.

Formerly Puddle Pirate.
Teach a kid to shoot.
It annoys the antis.
"But Officer I HAVE to have all these guns in the truck, I'm going to TFL End of Summer Meet"
I need help too. I can go to a 3 day long gun show with a custom 1911 and at the end of 3 days with 12 trades, have a Raven .25 ACP and a box of .32 ammo. It's a gift.

"Every normal man must be tempted, at times to spit on his hands,hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats." H.L. Mencken
It helps to be at least as ruthless as the people that you are trading with, for starters.

Second, you have to be willing to trade ever upwards and/or laterally, and never downwards. The indirect route can help here. For example, I traded into a couple of pistols and other goodies first, then traded those for the welder and scuba tank, then traded the welder for the .458, ammo and some money. Somehow, I ended up with an old shingle hatchet as well, and for the life of me, I can not remember where it entered the equation. :D

The fact that this occurred at a swap meet where there was everything from incense to elephant guns didn't hurt.
There is also some random chance involved. Saturday, I walked around for three hours with the Bushmaster, and didn't get one bite.
Sunday, guys were all over it like white on rice. Be patient, and wait for the RIGHT deal.
Thats interesting - because the last time I walked into a gun show I had to hold onto my Bushmaster with BOTH HANDS!
I swear - I didnt even get 2 steps inside without cash offers!
I would have sold too - but I already had an agreement with a TFL member for trade for my FAL...
I'm glad I had that agreement standing!