so how'd i do? take a look,please

It's not allowing us to get into your album.

Does the place allow you to copy the IMG command? If not, go to Photobucket ( ) and they do it for you and you copy the IMG command and then paste it into your post :).


I had the same problem with Webshots. The trick to posting an active link is that you can't be logged into "my photos", and you have to search for your album, using your user name, the way an outsider would. Once you're there, use that URL.
how's this



usp45usp-thanks for the heads up on photobucket

My pleasure :).

First target, too much finger in the trigger, pulling the gun to the right. You tried to compensate, thinking that you were aiming wrong, but you were jerking the trigger. Try the middle of the pad on your trigger finger, between the tip and the first joint.

Second target. MUCH better. Hand not steady, goes into a "circle" type motion. You fire when you think that you are on shot (target). Concentrating too hard on everything at once trying to hit the x ring.

Take a deep breath and calm down. Find your target and then find the front sight, blur out everything else, and then breath out, hold halfway, and fire.

Your grip is too tight also, ease up abit, it isn't going to go flying out of your hand :). Trust me, I know.

i'll give those tips a try next time i go to the range.

when i posted the pics,i put them in wrong order-top one was the second time around basiccly i got worse after the first taget which was the bottom pic.

i figure after acouple times more useing the gun,i'll get used to the personality of the gun.

weird thing is,even though it's a felt like my brother in-laws 1911a military issue .45,grnated it was like two yrs since i shot it but.....or it could be because it was my first time with the 9mm and wasn't expecting it.
I have had similar problems before with my grouping being to the right of center on the target. Thanks for the post, I can't wait to go to the range and try your finger placement tips.
Good advice from USP45 , I think that you have to concetrate on the front sight ,it should be sharp and clear and the last thing you see as the round breaks . Seems to work good for me .
GREAT handling correction printable target!!

Try this correction image, print it out take it to the range and you can tell what you need to do. I have had Range officers take me aside and ask for this target e-mailed and I always carry 5 to 6 extra's printed in legal size card stock paper since I will have almost everyone at the range ask me ' where did I get this'.

First time shooter and those like myself with about 30,000 under their belt can still use this to dail in a new firearm or just to adjust to a new grian weight. I fire at least one per session at the range. I average about 1000 per visit about once per month.:D


btw, I just found this and many other cool printable target using google and spending about 1 hour digging through all the crud that I didn't want.

happy hunting and have a Merry Christmas!

crud , this did not work, try now

or go here

Hmm link didn't work,says that page can't be displayed.

i did print up some targets while i was over my sisters house awhile back.haven't had the time(or money,sure wished there was a free shooting range)

don't know if there the same type as you were talking about(correction image)

being printed on regular paper will still work,right?? wasn't sure if it should be heavier paper or not.
Not bad for your first time. I cant really analyze it and tell you what you're doing wrong, because I have no idea, but I know it looks like too much trigger finger like other people said. Try and bring it in closer. 20 Yards is a pretty far distance. You should try starting at about 5, then bring it out to 7, then 10. Keep it at 10 till you get good enough to hit inside the 7 or better every shot, then bring it out further.

How many shots was that? Did you hit it every time, or did you miss some? First time I shot, it was with a .40, and out of 50 shots at about 10 yards, only 30 or so hit the target, and they were all over the place lol

Now that ive gone about 10 to 15 times, Im A LOT better. I kept most of my targets until a few days ago, including the first one I ever shot, but I just threw them away. I wish I had kept them now to show how much ive improved. Ill take a picture of my most recent target when I get my camera back from my sister and put it up here. I think I shoot pretty decent now. Im no expert still, in fact I cant even usually hit the target from 25 yards, but anything closer than 15 I can pretty much get the 7 or better every time. 10 yards and closer I can shoot awesome.
How many shots was that? Did you hit it every time, or did you miss some? First time I shot, it was with a .40, and out of 50 shots at about 10 yards, only 30 or so hit the target, and they were all over the place lol

in the bottom pic.which was the first target i did,it was 10 shots.only one hit up in the black.(you can see were i drew a line going to the hit)
top pic was second has more then 10 (13 shots,had odd amount of ammo that day so no sense using new target)

you can see in top pic that i got worse :(