So...gun owners are too stupid to know whats up

Well, considering this is SF, they probably just like to tell themselves that. If they have the answers, why do they have problems :confused:
"Up to this point, I don't think anyone has come up with anything that's working," Daly said. "This is my contribution to trying to figure out a way to turn back the tide of violence."

Daly needs to get out more. 38 states have passed CCW and crime has dropped by a minimum of 33%. In some states it's as high as 57%.

As a prospective juror when I was 19, living in Houston, the Judge asked if any of us had any problems with any of the charges against the man they were getting ready to try on drug charges. They tacked on 'owning a firearm' as an additional charge. When I said I objected to the 'firearms charge' the judge asked me, "So, you think I, the DA and the defense attorney should all be wearing or carrying a firearms?" "Yes, sir." "Why?" "Well, at least EVERYONE would be a lot more POLITE to each other now, wouldn't they?"

After the laughter had subsided, inlcuding the judge, I was dismissed from jury duty.
Avizpls your quote is exactly why they.....

Need guns ;) and then Don't have them :eek: :( ....Poverty does not cause crime but it sure does help! Serious social issues are the reason I go concealed carry! Unemployment does not cause crime but agian sure does help it breed....