So. Carolina Deer


New member
I was just invited to go down to So Carolina in the fall to hunt deer, my friends uncle has a couple of leases we can hunt and claims there are a over abundance of deer. From what he tells me we would be hunting along the southern I95 area. I have hunted in No. Carolina and know that generally the deer are smaller than up here in NH but much more plentiful. I was just wondering about anyone else's experiences with the area.
It depends on the agriculture in the area. If you are hunting where it is nothing but soybeans and such crops the deer will be pretty good sized. I mean a nice buck will be like 175-210. A mature doe around 120-40.
I hunt in the Lake Marion area of SC. The area is pine trees and soy bean fields. we have plenty of deer down here, though somewhat fewer since the coyote returned to the food chain in great numbers. The deer here are generally smaller than what is seen up north, with does running around 100# and bucks 150 to 200. The biggest piece of advice I can give is to bring something for Mosquitos! Just because it is the dead of winter, do NOT assume they won't be around. We have wide variations in the weather, it can be freezing cold one day and in the 70s the next. The Mosquitos will show up in clouds, and they just love that sweet Northern Blood! Look into a ThermaCell. And pack both cold and hot weather hunting gear.
Don't assume you'll be needing a woods-only gun. You might be in the woods with a <50 yd. shot or you might be on a field that runs for miles. Ask your host what distances to expect and bring binoculars.

Also FYI, hunting over bait and running deer with dogs is legal on private property. Lots of people disapprove of both but it makes more sense when you see the lay of the land. When in Rome...
We hunt thousands of acres in the Kingstree area which belongs to my best friend and his family. We have spots in dense woods where a. 35yd shot is about it to power lines that go for miles and then swamp areas. Plenty of deer there in years past but as said above the coyotes are putting a dent in it a bent so we kill them on sight. If you go in August September or early Oct bring a thermocel for the Mosquitos and a bug suit is a good idea also. Dog hunts are a blast if you get to take part in one. Most are put on by several farmers at a time.
Just because we have a lot of deer, don't assume you will see them. Along the area you will be in the season opens either August 15 or September 1, deer hear a lot of gun shots during that time. Bucks get smart in no time flat and tend to become nocturnal unless the rut is in full swing.

All of them will pinpoint fixed stands and contrary to what you may hear, they will look up and stare you down. Cover is thick where it exists and shots on Ag and PROW will be long. In cover you won't usually see a whole deer, just parts but in a fixed stand they'll pick you out at 200yds. They know those stands.

Yeah, we hunt over feeders but you won't see the bigger deer come into them in broad daylight unless you get lucky. Plenty of trail cam pics of them there at 2:00am to daylight though.

Oh and to add to the Thermacell, a Bug Tamer is a great thing to have too. Sometimes the skeeters just get high on the Thermacell and then dig in. And before November, I'd have a pair of snakeboots on my feet.

PM if you have more questions, be glad to help. Good luck on the swamp donkeys.
Salty pretty much hit it on the head. I spent almost 25 years hunting in the Low Country and have used quite a few ways to take deer. Dogs may not seem fair, lets see if you can hit a deer running wide open through a wooded area (not a thicket) with a pack of Beagles or Walkers on the trail. As far as a thicket goes, we would carry shotguns not because you were going to see/jump one up, it was used to knock down some of the briars. Also, be ready to sweat. Some people think its not that bad. 90+ degrees with almost 100% humidity, its bad. What county are ya'll planning to hunt in? I'm from Hampton county and may be in the area early in the season.
I am not sure of the county yet, more info coming. I was planning on bringing 2 rifles, my 7-08 with 3.5-10 scope and my 243 with 6-18.. I could change the scope on the 243 to a 3-9 before I go or just use the 243 for long shots from the stand, unless you think I would be under-gunned with the 243. I have to add, I have been hunting deer for years and know what shots to take and the ones not to and I shoot just about every weekend so I am very familiar with my rifles.
What about wild hogs?
A .243 will not be under gunned at all. Just make sure you aren't using too light of bullets. My .243 is loaded up with handloads using 100gr Sierra ProHunters and I've been using the same data since the early 90's. As for scopes, a 3-9 will work but I would go with the scope that has the best light gathering. These southern deer are well know for coming out just before good light or just after good light. Leave your bug spray at home and just buy a Thermacell. They are worth their weight in gold in that area.
There's two types of land in SC, land that has hogs and land that is going to have hogs. Hogs are hit or miss, usually not following a pattern just stomachs. They empty a feeder and move on to the next food source. In our area they are nocturnal for the most part.

If you can, get on a dog hunt for the pigs. When the kill comes wade in there and get them to let you stick it with the knife.

.243 and 7mm08 either would be fine. No need to bring both unless you just want to. I've taken a dump truck load with a .243 and a few loads with a 7mm08 (which I currently use most). You optics are more important than the caliber of bullet, as stated you see most deer right at twilight and daybreak, bad optics mean no shots. Mornings you tend to see more activity in broad daylight, just not bigger bucks.
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Don't be fooled by "smaller than Northern deer" I have seen bigger deer killed in SC than anything in MD,WV. SC has plenty of really good deer in certain areas, Orangeburg is a consistent area for some damn nice bucks.It gets plenty cold in the Upstate after Oct. I like the"mountain" part of the state around Joe Cassie in the N.F. get a bear tag if available.
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