So after some soul searching I could totally get by with.....


New member
Now let me preface by saying that I find most "gun law" completely useless, having no ROI, and a waste of resources that could be spent on real resources t combat real root causes. I own many standard cap firearms and my share of scary evil black and sometimes even nefarious green arms. I will continue to fight for all gun rights.

That being said from a purely practical and enjoyment standpoint I could totally get by on 100% revolver, pump shotgun and bolt/lever .22.

Now I am not a damn idiot and realize it's only a matter of time before those pesky shotguns that fire a 9 round burst of .30 caliber projectiles are attacked or those dangerous revolvers the fire every time the trigger is pulled and LEAVE NO BRASS EVIDENCE :eek: are attacked as well so this has nothing to do with throwing the "evil black guns" under the bus.

I am just saying all laws and bs aside I could do just fine with........
A PC627 as my bedside gun
A 7 shot smith as my primary carry
A 5 shot j frame or SP101 as my deep carry
A 870 as my primary long arm
A CZ452 or Marlin 39 as my .22
maybe a Smith K22/617/Ruger GP100/SP101 .22 to round things out.

I cannot imagine a scenario outside of fiction or the wrong side of Lady Luck where the above wouldn't do me just fine.

Now all that said gun laws are about control and have little to do with safety or crime and they should all be fought tooth and nail on that basis alone.

Never stop putting pressure on your elected EMPLOYEES.
No argument. I was just thinking the other day....
Could I go all Glock/striker fired
How about all hammer fired
How about all revolver
How about all lever/pump

really more of a tool thought then a political one.
I understand, and did not intend to undermine your intent.
I just can't bring myself to even offer hypothetical options for "settling" at this time.

I'm a hunter. Everything I have is geared toward self defense or general hunting, or even a very specific hunting niche. But it's all for hunting and/or defense.
In general, I prefer revolvers, bolt-actions, pump-actions, lever-actions, and single-shots. But that doesn't make my semi-autos, and especially my purpose-built "EBRs" any less loved or useful.
The topic of "What could you get by with?" comes up regularly, and it's interesting in its own right, just to see what's important to different members of our community. Some of us hunt, some of us mainly keep guns for self-defense, some compete in shooting sports of one kind or another. We don't necessarily have to tie this to hypothetical laws or regulations.

That said, and somewhat but not entirely considering what I have, I could get by with a good .22 rifle, a CZ452 or a well-tuned 10/22; a decent 12 ga. shotgun, pump OK but preferably an autoloader; a medium-caliber bolt-action rifle -- my Tikka T3 in .243 would do, although I'd enjoy something a bit better; and a couple of handguns, one full-sized and one for carry -- I'm partial to CZs, although lately I've been getting more interested in revolvers, so you never know... :D

And if I'm being honest, some sort of evil-ish semi-auto rifle... just because. :cool:
A majority of my guns I enjoy most I do not "need". Second amendment/militia purpose/ community defense/ disaster preparedness aside, I could get by indefinitely without my AR 15, VZ 58, and the G3/CETME that I'm building. Although I prefer an auto loader, I suppose I could do without my CZ 75 and move to either a lower capacity semi auto like a 1911, or something like a 7 shot Smith .357, although I would need a lot more trigger time to be as comfortable on the revolver as I am with my semi-auto.

All the hunting I'll ever do could likely be handled with a 12 gauge pump, off the shelf Remington 700 in .30-06, and a .22 rifle.

However, in the spirit of keeping firearms for the defense of life, liberty and community, I choose also to have the firearms that I feel are most effective in those roles.
Since the creation of law, we have had laws that essentially say you are not allowed to kill other people for fun or profit.

they haven't been 100% successful.....

Now, for much of the last 100 years or so, we have people thinking it matters what you kill someone WITH. And in a well meant, but idiotically misguided attempt to stop that, they pass laws about what you might OWN, because you MIGHT do something bad with it.

Now, if you are talking about usefulness, yes, I could "get by" with a lot fewer firearms than I own. But, I don't want to, and I don't need to, and until they pass the law that says I have to, I refuse to.

The whole idea of "if you could only have one" or "only a few" just irks me. Not because there's anything wrong with it, IF IT IS YOUR CHOICE, it just bothers me when others think they have the "right" to make that choice for me.

pardon the rant
(falls off soapbox, scrapes knee, goes looking for bandaid...)