Snubby fans: Say a guy with an AR 15 drives a car through the windows of a restraunt

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You've got your Chief Special or Detective Special (or any of the variations, models and airweights out there) on your hip or in your pocket loaded with .38 Hydrashoks (or your ammo of preference) and two speedloaders full of .38+P LSWCHP for extra punch in your pocket.

Do you feel you can take this Rambo on? Chief Special has 5 shots. DS has 6, but still, either way it's a snub nose with power cut down due to the short barrel and quite a small gun that will have quite the recoil.

The guy starts spraying the restraunt. You turn your table over, get behind it (You just know that will stop a bullet :p ) and pull your snub. Can you handle it? Or do you feel you have 6 spitwads to shoot at the Terminator?

I think I could handle it (I'd rather carry the 6 shot DS if I didn't have my full service size .38 revolver or .45 auto or 9mm) Keep my head, don't panic and spray all six shots in his general direction. Single action, one well placed shot will end the fight, or two if need be. If he doesn't go down after the first or second shot, he will at least be stunned. Advance on him taking well placed shots at his center mass. Be sure to leave one shot left for when you get close enough you can drill a hole in his head if need be.

But still, the pyschological aspect of it. Little Snubby vs. Sergent Slaughters AR15
the question is not...

...can I hit him (yes I can) but "can I hit him before he makes Swiss Cheese out of me? and the answer is probably no.

It is a given that a rifle against a handgun is roughly equivalent to a handgun againt a knife. That is, the rifle is going to outperform the handgun as the handgun would outperform a knife. It is possible, of course, for a man with a knife to kill someone with a gun, but it is highly unlikely.

The odds are against you and it has nothing to do with snubbie versus pistol. It has to do with the rifle shooting AT you.

Well the killing has started. You might as well go for it or you shouldn't be carrying. The bad guy is on a killing spree, but if you keep your head, focus on your front sight and aim you might just come out on top. Very good chance that psycho boy isn't expecting to take a bullet from the sheeple. A bullet imacting into him might just throw him for a loop. When you're shooting fish in a barrel they aren't supposed to shoot back. So no I wouldn't feel like I was so undergunned that I shouldn't try to stop him. In a perfect world I would have a rifel or at least a 12gauge pump shotgun, but we don't live in a perfect world.
LOL! Exactly how BORED are you? :D with a .38 snub-nose, against a guy with an AR-15? I assume he also has body armor. (Since we all know those crazy 'assault weapon' guys always wear body armor :rolleyes: )

I would not want to engage said lunatic with nothing more than a flimsy wooden table between us. Look for some more substantial cover, (ie, out-freakin-side) or try to do your best impersonation of a chameleon.....:D

If I absolutely HAD to engage him, summon all my ninja skills and shoot his weapon out of his hand, or go for the cool movie 'between the eyes' shot. :)
I suggest some serious FOF training rather than such scenarios that elicit Walter Mitty fantasies.

One should actually try this with sims, airsoft, etc. Otherwise, it is like a discussion of Superman vs. the Hulk on a comic book forum.

I'll give you a simple answer - if you shoot him before he shoots you, you may win. Otherwise, flee for your life. Some folks did that at the Luby's massacre and lived.

It's rather a 12 year old level thread, no offense.
Such a self defense scenario isn't a matter of "Can you confidently take on the bad guy and win?" - it's a matter of "Do you have any hope of surviving this tilted hollywoodstyle scenario?"

Yes - I have a hope, yes I'll take him on unless there's another way out - then that's where I'm going. It's that simple.

Same answer goes if I was carrying a .22 lr derringer with no reloads. Better than sitting behind my table waiting for the executioner come to peek over. (Then again, that might be just when to use such a weapon)
Okay let me give you a better senario: Guy drives an 18 wheeler through the wall of your office, gets out and has a flame thrower on. You are sitting in your cubical and all you have are 5 Chinese stars in your inside coat pocket. He is having a bar b q all around the office. Can you throw a star between his eyes before he makes toast out of you? :D :p
Okay let me give you a better senario: Guy drives an 18 wheeler through the wall of your office, gets out and has a flame thrower on. You are sitting in your cubical and all you have are 5 Chinese stars in your inside coat pocket. He is having a bar b q all around the office. Can you throw a star between his eyes before he makes toast out of you?

How about this one?

You are working on the 35th floor of the empire state building and see a plane headed towards your building. You have a slingshot and a bag of marbles you bought for your son that morning. How do you take out the plane before it gets you?:barf:

Dumb scenarios are dumb.

In the one in a gazillion chance of this actually happening, you'll just try to survive, and still, most likely die.

And... that's about all we can get out of this one.

C'mon folks, let's try to present scenarios that we can actually learn from.


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