Sniveling Anti-In-Training

This one is priceless... She's out of Ga. Tech and I'll let the article do the talking:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Guns not needed in American society today; They kill

By Christina Freyman
Advertising Manager
Staff Editorial
October 8, 1999

Guns are bad. They hurt, kill, and affect millions of lives every year. There are very few people out there that haven't had their lives touched in some way by guns.
People try to convince me that society needs guns, the society can handle guns. Why exactly does one need a gun? One reason I have been told is to protect oneself. Hmmm, from what? Others with guns I assume. Now, if no one had guns then we wouldn't be threatened with guns.

You need to hunt. Even though I don't think people need to hunt because we don't live in a society where we need to scrounge for food, hunting has one good result: animal population control in a world in which we have destroyed the natural cycle of the food chain. Dare we stop our uncontroled sprawl into the animal's natural habitat or our killing of natural predators, we think that shooting is the best solution. One doesn't need a hand gun to shoot deer nor do you need more than a couple guns. Who really takes their guns out to the woods and chooses one out of a bag like a golfer chooses a club? One doesn't need fifty rifles, and one definately doesn't need hand guns to kill any type of animal that isn't human. This country has no need for hand guns unless we love reading about tragedies in the newspaper and really just want to experience one ourselves.

People say a solution would be to enforce the existing gun laws. Larry Ashbrook walked into the Ft. Worth church and started shooting with guns that he had acquired legally. The day he shot was the day of a national event called "See You at the Pole" where Junior and High School students gathered that morning around the flag pole at their school and prayed. Some prayed for their school, some prayed for the country. And one might have prayed for the sad guy who lived down the street. The guy had no criminal record and no existing law could have kept him from getting a gun. He walked into a church that evening that was holding a post "See You at the Pole" rally and took out his anger with religion on the innocent students inside.

George W. Bush responded with a call for more love. More love? We live in a world with very little love. People don't like other people because of a whole host of small details like the color of their skin, what religion they follow, who they fall in love with, what nationality they are, where they live, etcetera. This country is divided by bitter class and race lines and George calls for more love? Yes, we need more love. If we all loved then we would have no need for guns to protect us. People are taught to hate in this world, and until they are taught to love, people are going to keep on killing.

Yes, even if we take away all the guns, then people will still kill people. There is bunch of ways of doing it, knives for one. But one can't walk into a Jewish day care in California and stab a bunch of kids in a small amount of time. Guns allow people to kill lots of people in a small amount of time. If you have to walk up to someone and stab then you have to be close. Close enough to realize that you are killing them to really mean to kill them, to really think about killing them. It is a lot more personal. With guns one can be fairly far away. You can drive by, not even see your victim fall. Guns are impersonal. Guns are a more efficient way of killing and do we really want a more efficient way of killing?

Guns should be outlawed. At the very least, handguns should be outlawed. We are in a circular argument with the protection from others with guns argument. Guns won't be outlawed. We live in a society of self-centered people who are more afraid of their right to kill with guns being taken away than concerned with making this country a better place. The second amendment, the right to bear arms, was written to give the people of the 1700s the means to rise against a tyrannical government if needed. Let me break it to you. Your guns aren't going to protect you against the Defense Department's weapons. You shooting your .45 at the tank outside your house isn't going to make a dent. All the guns in the world won't protect you from the thermo-nuclear blast that this country could produce.

Until we, as a society, look beyond our selfish fears and give up our guns, we are going to continue to see tragedies like what happen in Ft. Worth, California, and right here in Atlanta this summer. Like I said, guns are bad.

*retch* It's the typical liberal ideology- illogical arguments and pandering to the emotions, rather than cold facts and a modicum of common sense.


[This message has been edited by Ariloulaleelay (edited October 26, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Ariloulaleelay (edited October 26, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Ariloulaleelay (edited October 26, 1999).]
But one can't walk into a Jewish day care in California and stab a bunch of kids in a small amount of time.

Wanna bet?

Guns allow people to kill lots of people in a small amount of time.

Small point: Buford didn't kill anyone at the Jewish Community Center (why the fsck does everyone call it a "day care center" when that wasn't its only function?). Gas station explosions kill lots of people all at once; does this twit scream that we should ban gas stations? Of course not; that would render her SUV (guaradamnteed she has one) useless.

GDMFin' idiots...

"Janet Reno is the fire that ignites my loins."
--Joe Cartoon
She is an idiot and a fool, what more can I say. In animate objects are neither good nor bad, it is how we use them that makes it so. That the dummy cannot grasp this basic fact suggests that she should be shepherded as the sheeple that she is, and kept from the gene pool. Gag/retch/belch/fart/sigh - Hmmmm, I still don't feel better just knowing she's at large. M2

PS - Good points Coinneach - if Buford had shouldered his weapon and used it properly, would have been a different story (oops, based on his performance I shouldn't assume he has any marksmanship skills, but still-), and if he had gone in there with a nice, sharp machette and started swining, there would have really been a much worse mess -

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited October 26, 1999).]
But one can't walk into a Jewish day care in California and stab a bunch of kids in a small amount of time.

Like Coinneach said, wanna bet? Although I don't have the article handy, wasn't it just a month or two ago when some crazy on a Japanese commuter train pulled a knife and ran down the isle thrusting and slashing, the end result of which was 3 people dead and 12 injured, all in a matter of seconds?

She is right about one thing It is a lot more impersonal with a gun. Lets not sell any more guns to shy people. Right???

Better days to be,

Wow. That was really dumb.

But I really enjoyed toying with my Glock while reading it. :)

On second thought...strike that...could be misinterpreted...
How about this one? Any more ridiculous than Christina's article?

People not needed in American society today - THEY KILL

Why do we still have people? They do nasty things. Some are dangerous. 16 year old nannies from England shake babies to death. You can't tell the bad ones by looking at them. You can try banning guns - they use knives. Look at all the Hutus and Tutsis in Africa massacred with machetes! If you ban knives, they MAKE them out of spoons! Or they use scissors - like that guy in Dallas who stabbed his wife to death with his kid's scissors!
People are dangerous! Out of nowhere, a person walked in a church, and with no warning, killed other people.
People don't know how to drive, exceed the speed limit, smoke cigarrettes and cigars, get in fights, don't use their seatbelts, and don't use child restraint seats!
They clog up the freeways and get in accidents.
They drive cars I don't like, and some actually have more than one!
And, what is even worse, they pollute the environment and waste natural resources.
Living is so dangerous. Bad things happen. People do bad things.
We don't need this anymore in America. Let's get to the root of the problem. Let's get rid of people.
Except, of course, for me and my friends.
Although, some of them are starting to annoy me too.....


PS - this is satire.
Alex, I'll go you one better:
How about the big football star from Dallas, TX who stabbed his own teammate in the neck with scissors and was covered by his team to the point that no charges were ever made? Same guy (Michael Irvin) who was caught with thousands of dollars worth of coke and hookers, but only paid a small fine, wasn't it? Ban moronic sports stars and the idiots who excuse their every action!


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
What does she do for an encore? Maybe she could find some screw loose type, dope him up, give him a gun and turn him loose in a school yard. Or has that already been done?

I wonder where these killers with no money and no means of support "found" the funds to buy expensive guns and ammunition, and to travel long distances to do so.
