

New member
Did anyone see this show broadcast on PBS?

I caught the last 30 minutes of it and nearly blew a major blood vessel.

Here's the link from the PBS site:

It all in the name of the War on Drugs, of course.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited December 16, 1999).]
What, the same group that showed a Glock with integral laser (price tag >$1000) and called it a "junk gun"? I'll pass...
Glocks are "junk guns" solely because they don't have manual safeties.

Oh yeah, also because they're made of ceramic and go through metal detectors.

Well, I'll make a bet with any bigot out there: once I've finished tricking my G20, I'll let the bigot put 50 rounds through it... then DARE him to call it junk! ;)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Yeah, I caught about the last half hour of "Snitch" too. Seems par for the course these days.

Conspiracy my ass.
yes i watched most of it last night..just goes to show you HOW FAR our civil rights are SCREWED in the interest of the war on drugs.

Prosecutors controlling Sentencing
Witness Badgering
Invented testimony
Planting evidence
creating crimes where there are none, ie entrapment
charging minorplayers under "kingpin" acts
building more prisons slower than we are convicting people
ALL WHILE NO NOTICEABLE LACK of drugs are present on our streets....

I'm no fan of drugs, or pushers, but some one doing TEN YEARS for a first offense, unless they TURN INFORMANT for the feds...

rather eye opening.

just my 2¢, maybe its time to review our sentencing policies/criteria in the war on drugs, sound like we are wasting resources locking up the wrong people.

I'm tired of this Bull****, how about you?

"Those that give up essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
I'm tired, I'm angry, and I am fast reaching the stage where I'll say,

"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"


I took their little test and found their answers similar to their philosophy,

Bovine Exhaust

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited December 16, 1999).]
Dennis, you're not advacating violence are you?

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"

Nope. Not here. Not now.

Speaking strictly administratively. Thank you for the opportunity to correct and eliminate that obvious and inappropriate ambiguity.