Tx Brigade Armory
Mike, is still in bidness, his website is down, because he has more business than he can handle now, and he hasn't had the time to re-do the site properly.
He is going to really upgrade it, and make it nice.
And, like the Chandler's....you will have to wait at LEAST 12-18 months to get a TBA also.......
So, if you want the CLOSEST clone to a real M40A1, then it will have to come from TBA........
Unless, one of you gent's knows something I don't.....and IF you do please share.
Gardner, has a great rep, as does jerry Rice, but no one makes the A1 clones.....cept TBA.
Chandler's are close, but not as close, and cost double..........so for what it's worth, this is the real skinny on TBA..........