Sniper & deer Rifle


Looking for a rig @ less than $900 to be able to drop deer/elk at at least 300 yds. I really need info on a flat shooting ctg that has enough stopping power to be effective on big game at range. Range and accuracy are important as the land we hunt on offers LONG shots

[This message has been edited by Morrissey (edited May 08, 2000).]
Well, lots of elk meat has been eaten by guys who use 7mm Rem Mag and the various .30 magnums.

And a fair number of 1,000-yard matches have been won with these cartridges.

For that matter, I'll play Ma Bell with my pet '06, but I've been married up to the ol' gal for some 30 years, and I'm picky about when I pull trigger...

Have fun, Art
Sounds like you're looking for a .300 Winchester Mag or 7mm Mag. Remington also recently came out with a "super-duper" .300 Mag that's pretty hot. It's a new cartridge and I'd wait a while to see if it stands the test of time (probably won't).

Other than that, Weatherby has a full line-up of magnums and a couple of them should fit the bill. Don't know much about Weatherby myself.
Sure, 7mm through the .30-378'll work just fine but it isn't the rifle - it's the man.

Proper placement & bullet (range finder may be helpful at longer ranges w/the time) does it better than anything else.

30-06 has been around for quite a while for a very good reason.

It isn't anybody's "super pooper" but it does what it does pretty well.
Are you looking for a rifle to hunt Deer or Snipe with. I've hunted snipe with both a .22 LR and .223 and they work great. Wouldn't use either on deer though!

Sniper Rifles are a Specilized Offensive Military Weapon!

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by Schmit (edited May 08, 2000).]
Schmitty, me lad, I've gotten to the point where I react to the present-day usage of "sniper" about like I do to "tactical".

It is to urp.

The use of the words "sniper rifle", to me--being an old fart who was raised with a dictionary--means a rig designed specifically for the user to go kill people at around a half-mile, mas o menos.

Ergo, to wit and therefore, I don' need no steenkin' sniper rifle...

:), Art
Personally, I don't find it nearly as bad as saying "clip" when one means "magazine", but I suppose we all have our own little inducements to get our panties in a wad...

I thought the original poster phrased well what he desired: a rifle capable of both taking down American large game or human predators at range. What would you gents call that? A "long-range hunting rifle"? Faugh.
Spectre: :), OF COURSE it's a Long Range Hunting Rifle! After all, ain't homo sap the most dangerous game? Granted, he doesn't dress out all that well...

I guess where I'm coming from is that if sniping is shooting people, and if legal shooting of people is at all a part of the equation, why should a civilian spend the money on a rifle with sniping in mind? The odds of a situation where shooting somebody at a half-a-mile, and being legal while doing it, are somewhere lower than, say, winning the Florida lottery.

Note that I don't mention--nor care about--"need" or any of that. I'm just curious about the "why" of the sniper concept, given my own understanding of the word, itself.

In any posting to any forum, where there can be no use of body language or facial expressions to help get one's meaning across, it helps if folks are indeed a bit picky about what words mean. I think this thread is an example of the problem. :)

Best regards, Art

I agree with you... I don't need no stinking Sniper Rifle... I've got my precision rife. Yes, some countries utilize same said rifle for their Snipers.

Now, Snipers are a specialzed military occupation. Many months of training & practice go into makeing them. Taking a shot with their "precision" rifle (aka Sniper Rifle) is just a part of being a sniper. There is much more to it.

That is my biggest problem with peoples use of the word. Yes I have a rifle that can be considered a Sniper Rifle, does that make me a Sniper... HELL NO. Additionally, look at the current trend on banning firearms. What are they looking at now... .50 SNIPER RIFLES. No need for civilians to own them... Right? A .30 Sniper Rifle is just a small step and stroke of the pen away. Why play into the antis hand? Use the correct terminalogy!

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
savage 116 Fsak stainless fluted compact bull barrell.Can shoot sub moa all day at 100 yards. One hell of a rifle for the price. Add steel rings and bases and a quality scope.. say a tasco mil-dot and 1 can of matte spray paint and you have a very lethal rifle out to 300 yards with a single shot. I personally prefer the 30-06 over the magnums but savage makes many many calibers.

You should spend a lot less than $900

Perhaps "plains rifle" would be acceptable to all as signifying a powerful platform with the accuraccy potential desired?

Brave heart, what beauty we have found.
May I chime in here and recomend the .270. This is an often overlooked round but it will drop any game that I can think of in the US except possible a large bear. When it comes down to it you have the .270 vs 7mm in the same way you have the 30-06 vs .308. and in reality it is the same argumant. The .270 is a necked down 30-06 and the 7mm is a necked down .308.
The .270 is much flatter shooting than most comparable .30 cal rifles and has higher velocities than the 7mm. Not by much but that extra couple hundred FPS can make a big difference.. The bullets come in weight from 90 grain up to 150 grain. I personally like the 140 Grain Remington Ballistic tip.
Velocity is just under 3000 FPS at the muzzel and still 2600 at 200 yards. The problem is that after about 300 Yards you are going to have some SERIOUS Bullet drop.. Something like 15-20 inches. But up to 300 you are only going to get better balistics out of a 300WM and that is a LOT more expensive and a lot more abusive.
finally a response from someone without a semantic obsession. I thank you for the time, info and consideration. As for all those with thier 'panties in a wad' re the use of the term 'sniper', get used to it. It's part of common language. You all knew what I meant, even the jarhead.

Brian J Morrissey
HHC 7th Infantry Division
Actually, "sniper rifle" denotes a rifle designed to snipe. Just as "hunting rifle" denotes a rifle designed to hunt. The terms are not synonomous. Nor should they be used that way. Who cares? The antis. They care a lot. And I don't want to lose my 30-06 because of terminology. (See the "assault rifle" controversy and subsequent legislation as an example of terminology gone awry.)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>You all knew what I meant, even the jarhead.[/quote]

Oh OH... now we want to again use incorrect nomenclature. The correct term is Leatherneck. Is it MY problem that the U. S. Army can't tell the difference between a rifle used to hunt snipe with and one for deer? :p

First Shirt, now if one of your soliders came and said his gun doesn't work, even though you understood what he was talking about, would you correct him ("WHAT DID YOU SAY DIRTBAG?!? GUN? GUN? This is a RIFLE )grabbing the rifle by the stock)... This is a GUN (grabbing... well ya know.) THINK YOU CAN REMEMBER?!?" (as the solider sinks to his knees) or just shrug it off and send him to "the place where they keep the guns" (known in the USMC as an Armory).

Yes, we all knew what you ment, however, there is a point. Incorrect use of terms can be used by the forces of evil to further their cause.

And BTW, my "Deer Rifle" is an Accuracy International AWP .308 w/Leupold Mark IV M1 MilDot.

Oh, and from one Brother in Arms to another, Welcome Aboard TFL!! (Thats Marine for "Glad your here Doggie" ;) :D )

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by Schmit (edited May 08, 2000).]
point taken,
Best to you and yours. Reloading my new guide gun,.45-70 w/350 hornady, don't expect 1900 fps w/this 18" bbl. Any pointers?

> Best to you and yours.

Right back @ ya First Sergeant!

> Reloading my new guide gun,.45-70. Any pointers?

Naaa, you know us Jarheads ( ;) ), we're gluttons for punishiment. I don't have one of those punny -70s... I's got me a -110.

However, if you do a search for Marlin Guide Gun, Guide Gun, or 45-70 I'm sure you'll turn up what you need.

And again, Welcome Aboard. Looking forward to having you in The Art (in particular) and the other Forums (in general).

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by Schmit (edited May 09, 2000).]