Sneaky Pete for CCW? Anyone using them?


New member
I was just wondering if anyone was using the "Sneaky Pete" holsters for CCW. Basically these holsters are just square, so no danger of printing, and could be containing anything. Personally I don't think that they are very "sneaky" and I suspect that many people would guess that it contains a firearm. I have thought about buying one and walking around with it empty to see what the reactions are. Any feedback on this? Sneaky Pete makes one for the S&W Shield and similar handguns, which would fit my P238, S&W Shield, and my Ruger SR40c. (My carry guns).

IMO, they stick out like a sore thumb! I've seen a few of them and you can spot one quick. I believe a CC is just that....concealed. I stick with my IWB.
When I first saw them advertised my imediate thought was "Very obvious what you are carrying". Just how many guys do you see with a big pouch on their belt anyway? I can't say I've seen any.
What's so sneaky about being so obviously different?
If I saw someone with that I would think they had some weird over-sized off brand.
I think few would guess it was a gun.If I could find a reasonable way to regularly carry a tablet I would.
I have one. I use it rarely, for those few situations where just nothing else will work. I have to say that on none of the occasions I have used it has it appeared to raise a single eyebrow.
When I first saw them advertised my imediate thought was "Very obvious what you are carrying". Just how many guys do you see with a big pouch on their belt anyway?

That's just it, it isn't very obvious as to what you are carrying. Gun people think it is obvious just like gun people think angular printing under a shirt at the waist line is probably a gun when it can be any manner of electronic devices, or that vests or fanny packs are indicate the presence of guns.

When you work with nerds, this isn't too far out of line. However, based on size, it might have been sneakier a few years ago now that so many electronics have scaled down so far.

Remember, the general public is pretty clueless about so much of what goes on around them.
^^ This.

When I first started to carry I was convinced the minor printing of the grip was obvious to everyone, and they were staring at me...:rolleyes:

Gradually came to realize that, no one's looking at me...or my waist...ever...

Yeah, I've seen one. I instantly knew what it was, but I doubt anyone other than a CCW holder would know it.

And who cares, anyway... with 5,000,000 licensed to carry here, I figure there's a pretty good chance the guy (or gal) in the aisle next to me has one, as well.
I use it rarely, for those few situations where just nothing else will work.
Unless you are a member of a nudist colony I can't imagine a situation where my LCP, or a P3AT in the front pocket wouldn't work better, and be less noticable.
Even my KAHR CM9 is completely unnoticeable in many pants pockets, safely carried in a DeSantis Nemesis pocket holster.
I have had an HTC phone pouch that is about the same width/design for several years. It did feel awkward at first. The SP holster is thicker, longer, and will be heavier with a Glock 19, but I am going to try it out.