Snap Shooting at 25 yds


New member
I was shooting PPU ammunition through my Century Arms C308, using the iron sights. I stood with the rifle pointing straight down range, and the muzzle down at about a 45% angle. Then, for every shot, I’d look out at the life-size target, bring the rifle up to my shoulder, get a sight picture, and fire. I fired 10 shots, and I knew I had one flyer when I broke the shot.


  • 06-07-16, 25 yds to scale.jpg
    06-07-16, 25 yds to scale.jpg
    40 KB · Views: 60
  • 06-07-16, 25 yds snap shooting.jpg
    06-07-16, 25 yds snap shooting.jpg
    83.3 KB · Views: 57
This kind of drill really emphasizes the difference in difficulty level of making hits at range with a handgun vs a long gun.