smoothbore slug barrels

Sean is right. Generally, you'll get the best accuracy with the least choke you can get (although sometimes you get abnormally good results from even a modified choke). Never use no choke at all - you'll damage the choke threads.
Is your barrel threaded for choke tubes?

If it is, try buying a rifled choke tube for it. Then pattern it and compare the pattern to the pattern of an open cylinder tube, and also the pattern of an Improved Cylinder tube.

Repeat this procedure with both Foster slugs and sabot slugs. A total of six patterns.

If it is not threaded for choke tubes, it should be either an Open Cylinder or Improved Cylinder barrel. Pattern whatever fixed choke you have with both Foster and sabot slugs.
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Im using a Mossberg 835 24" turkey barrel. The purpose for this setup is for a multi gun shoot and you use shot and slugs at various targets at the same time so you have to switch from shot to slug. I dont want to use my rifled slug barrel. Plus the cheapo remington rifled pumpkin slugs are a better option than sabot slugs as the targets are no more than 25-30 yards away...