Smitha 'n Wesson is comeing to town

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New member
My local range is sponsoring a Smith and Wesson Days on March 5th and 6th. Factory reps will be there to demo their offerings and answer questions. I'de be happy to carry any questions or comments from here to them.

ps: Yes Grayfox, "that topic" is number one on my list also.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
Thanks Hal, It's nice to be remembered. I've already made plans to jump on the at the DU outdoor festival in June. Maybe we can just aggravate 'em into bring it back. ;)

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited February 13, 1999).]

Shoot the 945 and tell me what you think.

Jump on Ken Sedlecky, he needs a good hasslin'..
I'll be there too, so plan on buying me lunch. ;)

I second Rob's request. Please give the 945 a real good look and tell us what you think. Also, look the 337 over and inquire as to availability. I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
Hal, Ask if it's ok to feed their new Titanium wheel guns a steady diet of Corbons or Triton "Quick Shok" Stay Safe, Sam
Tell them that Cowboy shooters would like to see 'em reproduce the Schofield and Model 3 Russian. Oh,and the Lemon Squeezer. (I know,I know,but I guy can dream,can't he?? :) )
Lunch is on me! I had planned on posting a "who's gonna be there thread" a week or two before the show. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you folks face to face.
Ok here it is.
No 945 to shoot, sorry, I wanted to give it a try also. According to the rep, he couldn't get ahold of one.
No more square frame,,ever,,never as in they will not make anything unless it is a round frame. The round frame can "simulate" the feel of the sqaure frame, but not vice versa. BOOOOOO!. Curent mfg process can't be changed, hence Smith will go with only the round butt. Guess that means they will go without my $$$$$ for a new Smith. That statement was met with a shrug of the shoulders by the Smith rep.
Cowboy shooting at present hold very limited interest for Smith and Wesson, but like all shooting sports, they continue to keep an eye on it. ???
Ti wheel guns, like all Smith and Wesson products will shoot anything they are rated for. If rated for plus or magnum they will handle it. If it doesn't, they have a lifetime warranty. Prety solid statement, but a bit ambiguous.
It was very hard to get in any conversation with the rep, he had people lined up 3 deep to talk to him. Most of the guns they had to try were wheel guns and the sigma's. I didn't care to wait an hour for range time so I passed on the offer. The number 1 requested gun to try (after the non-existant 945) was the Model 41 in .22 rimfire.
sorry this is so short, but the poor guy was swamped with people and didn't have much time to spare.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
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