Smith & Wesson Reponds.

Nestor Rivera

New member
I asked the following question and got this

There have been repeated rummers that S&W, Glock and Colt have
either agreed or agreed in principle to cease selling some if not all of
there firearms to the public. I would like to know for sure what is
the stance of S&W, as a long time user of your fine products it is of
>great interest to me.
>Nestor A. Rivera III
>San Antonio Texas.


"Kate Fredette" <>
Nothing has changed for us.
hope your day is a great one!

[This message has been edited by Nestor Rivera (edited October 07, 1999).]
Damn, now that's the way an American business ought to answer rumors. Simple, straight. . . cool, as long as it's true. We should all be copying this text and sending it to Colt with the appropriate "See, this is how grownups respond to PC crap" explanations!


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
I notice they actually did not answer the question.

"Nothing has changed for us." What the heck kinda answer was that?
Does this mean they have not YET stopped selling to civvies? Does this mean they did not agree in princaple? I'ld right back asking for some CLEAR ANSWERS. They have some things at stake if they want to pull a Klinton-resonse like that!

Oh wait - this is S&W? Ah - I didn't like them much anyways.

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
How could you not like Smith and Wesson!?!?
Why, that's almost unAmerican!
They have,,,well they made,,well once upon a time,,,pinned and recessed,,,square frame,,,I love their new,,,ah,,ah,,
Hmmm, ya may have something there. I love older K-frame and N-frame Smiths, but all their newer stuff isn't for me.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Go Kate!

S&W, like other metal manufacturers, have turned to fabricating parts for other industries including automotive, machine manufactureres, ect. Ruger makes golf clubs. Lest we forget, this is nothing new. Marlin razor blades, Winchester wood working tools and roller blades come to mind.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
In regard to making other products, gun makers have long done so. In fact, there is a collector market for non-gun items made by gun companies. These include Winchester razors and roller skates, Colt tools, etc.

As for recent Colt decision to drop many of their guns, has anyone noted that they aren't selling this junk? They are trying to put a good and noble face on the fact that they have made garbage which did not sell and now they are retrenching to the stuff they think they can still peddle, even if quality is poor.

I agree w/ George on this. That ain't much of an answer. I would have expected more of a " Why no Nestor, we are not, nor have we ever considered, ceasing the selling of our product to the public. Anything to the contrary is untrue. blah, blah, blah"
What's w/ the " Nothing has changed for us"?
That answer doesn't inspire much confidence. JMO
