Smith & Wesson Model 19 History?


Was the model 19 discontinued and if so, what took it's place? If there was no replacement, which model comes closest to the original 19? Thanks, Ted:)
That is one of S&W biggest selling & best handguns (& the model 66, stainless version of the 19). No way it could be true.

Edit: Guess it is true after seeing these other posts. I always see the Model 66 in the catalog & on-line & just assumed they still made the 19 but just didn't show a picture of it to save room. The 66 is the stainless version of the 19.
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19 not shown in my 2000 catalog.

In my opinion, the 66 is similar but not the gun that the 19 is/was.

Sam...ex Smith dealer.
Smith has dropped all blue guns except for the Model 10. The 66 is suppose to be the same in stainless, but I like 19's.
S&W has discontinued all blued revolvers. They only sell stainless, Al, and ti revolvers these days. The S&W Model 66 is the same as the 19, but in stainless.

But if you really want a model 19, there's plenty of used ones around. I just picked up a used one a couple months ago.

There are also TONS of used Model 19s that have never even been fired.

It's a slow gunshow here in Northern Virginia if I don't see 5 or more unfired Model 19s, varying in age.

Most common is the 4", but there are also unfired 6"s.

A couple of years ago I picked up an unfired 2.5" 19 for $275.

It's one of my regular carry guns now.
Enter the L frame of the 686

these were supposed to be the model 19's replacement;
but I've yet to find any 686 that will hold a light to
a good old model 19? Granted, the 686's are fine guns
in their own right; but they're not 19's.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.
Ala Dan says the 686's aren't 19's...boy, am I GLAD!!!
I have a mid-70's production 19 that had to go back to Springfield, MA, for a "retightening" after 2,500 factory Maggies and 10-11,000 midrange .38' old "dash", second year production...has around 35,000 rounds thru it...almost 5K factory Mags or equivalent handloads, the rest midrange .38's...holdin' up fine, other than needing a re-blue...I've got several 686's, none with the round-count of the 586--
YET--but see no reason to believe that they are the least bit LESS STURDY than the 586...and, I believe, ALL the L's are MUCH STURDIER than ANY of the K's...and, FWIW, I LIKE the "full-lug" barrels on the L's-!!!....mikey357
586 good tough gun. Easy to tune and stays in tune. Shame they didn't catch on. Much rather have 586 than 686.

19 not the strongest around but with moderate loads they feel good, look good and do the job well.

I consider my 19s to be darn stout .38special shooters that can take occaisional .357 loads. For steady diet of heavy .357 loads, then the N frame is more appropriate.
