Smith & Wesson betrays gunowners-plan to settle lawsuits

How could they! Why are they giving in? DAMM THOSE ANTI-GUNNERS, DAMM THEM TO HELL! People lets send e-mails to the rest of the companies(Winchester, Remington, and many others) to show them that they have support from us. Send them a message before it is too late. I bet you they feel alone in this fight. :confused: :( :mad:
The anti-gun fanatics and the Clinton Regime have finally found the way!

They can't get Congress to legislate it...they can't get the people to tolerate it...they can't get an amendment to the Constitution... :mad: Damn the spineless Congressional cowards who are letting this happen to us for their own political gain! Even the ones who claim to be on our side are willing to sacrifice our rights in order to gain seats. They are just as corrupted as the rest of the garbage that claims to represent us.

So the anti-gun zealots will be allowed to litigate the gun companies out of existence, starting with the ones that sell pistols. So far we have lost Colt, Glock, Browning, Ruger and now Smith & Wesson to various degrees of "giving in" to the anti-gun onslaught. Who will be next? :(

I had contemplated selling a few of my guns to invest in others and sort of realign my collection - WRONG! I will now embark on a mission to acquire as many pistols as I can possibly afford, in addition to all those I currently have, before they all go under!

Mikey :mad:
heres what the page says:
Smith & Wesson are turning their backs on gun owners. The CEO of S&W has decided it will deal with the
blood-sucking lawyers and settle the lawsuits against it. This is a dangerious president which may cripple the
industry. As long as the gunmakers stayed together, a united front could be used as a defense. With S&W caving,
they could testifly against the industry as part of a settlement. This could destroy gunmakers with millions in
settlement awards if 1 company admitts guilt or points the finger. Obviously the NRA, Gunowners of America,
and the National CCW Reciprocity Foundation are against this. If we breakapart we will most certainly hang
seperately. Another maker betrays the Second Amendment. Another gunmaker betrays gun owners. Judas to
Smith & Wesson. (1/17/00)

i will email ed schultz tomorrow & ask him whats up


"walk softly and carry a big stick, one that goes bang in .308 is fine"
I just popped off to:

I took the position that "surely this is just misinformation" and also, "holding the order for the new S&W until further clarification" (which is true BTW)
Just read Jeff's Shot Show report...sounds like he has info that most, if not all, of this "giving in" reporting is bull hocky.

Now I don't know what to think! The biggest reason I use the net is to get reliable news - where do I go now??

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leadfoot:
Fired off an email to the CEO earlier. Sure hope this is just BS.[/quote]

I wish it was too, but the CEO was on the news last night and confirmed it. Don't know all the details yet, however.
Folks, before you lambast this guy too much...remember, he has to satisfy his STOCKHOLDERS first, customers second...
That's the way it is in business, like it or not. Settlement IS the cheapest way to end this...not the right way, but the cheapest way. And that's business...
Here is my letter:

Thanks alot!! If all Gun Manufacturers stuck together we might have had a chance. But you blew it. I will not be buying any more S & W products, I will urge others not to do so, I will post your despicable act on my web site.

You guys just don't get it do you. Since when has compromise gotten us anything? Nothing but more laws that infringe on the rights of law-abiding citizens. As a prominent gun manufacturer, you have a moral responsibility to preserve freedom and liberty that transcends your bottom-line. I think you should resign and let someone with more vision and a better developed sense of values take over as CEO. Why this urge to make it difficult for me to defend my family? Why the need to destroy my right to self-defense? The blood of a thousand victims will be on your hands and I hope you think about that. I hope you think about every woman brutally raped who was not given the opportunity to defend herself, every family victimized. My God man, this is America!! Freedom should be on your lips at every moment, liberty running through your fingers like blessed waters! You are supposed to be a leader, not a capitulator. You are supposed to help me defend my life and liberty, not trying to take it away.

Thane Bellomo
Originally posted by Ezeckial:

Dear Sir,

I saw you on the news last night. I am very sorry you took the stance you did…you are admitting industry guilt even though you are not guilty.

I’m requesting you reconsider your decision, at least until Bob Barr’s HB 1032 has a chance to go through.

You could, as an industry, counter sue both the cities AND the feds (for lack of enforcement) which would put them on the defensive. Also, the industry could sue Hollywood studios for their irresponsible use on firearms in movies. At the minimum, this would put you, as a gun manufacturer, in a stronger position.

Clinton has been backing down on his lawsuit threats since just before Christmas. We got Schumer and his misuse of BATF statistics.

If S&W follows through with their capitulation, it will undo many of the calls we firearm owners (as well as the suits in Texas and D.C.).

I have called MY congressional reps on several occasions. Your statement is making my position, and the position of millions of gunowners in jeopardy.

Again, please reconsider your decision…it was the wrong decision.

Thank you,

If (as plaintiffs allege) handguns are a public nuisance, then shouldn't all of plaintiffs' employees and agents be forbidden to possess handguns? Or is this hypocrisy simply to be ignored (like all the others)?